mikepurvis / ros-install-osx

Installing ROS on OS X.
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ROS installation on Mojave seems to be stuck at tapping from ros/deps, Invalid Formula.. #133

Open kamiradi opened 5 years ago

kamiradi commented 5 years ago
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/ros/homebrew-deps/gfortran.rb
Calling MacOS.prefer_64_bit? is disabled! There is no replacement.
Please report this to the ros/deps tap:

Error: Cannot tap ros/deps: invalid syntax in tap!

The install script prints this to the screen after i run install. XQuartz is installed and then when it tries to brew tap ros/deps, it throes this error.

How do I fix this?

Evi5 commented 5 years ago

me too... I am try with docker now http://wiki.ros.org/docker/Tutorials/Docker

GiulioPettenuzzo commented 5 years ago

the same error might be resolved here.. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55064406/installation-of-ros-kinetic-in-mac-mojave/55140779#55140779

Zhenye-Na commented 5 years ago

Also refer to this
