mikesmithgh / kitty-scrollback.nvim

😽 Open your Kitty scrollback buffer with Neovim. Ameowzing!
Apache License 2.0
413 stars 11 forks source link

bug: paste window blocks text in scrollback window #260

Open jmrussell opened 1 month ago

jmrussell commented 1 month ago


And checkhealth kitty:

kitty-scrollback: require("kitty-scrollback.health").check()

kitty-scrollback: Neovim version 0.9+ ~
- OK NVIM 0.10.0-dev+dirty

kitty-scrollback: kitty-scrollback.nvim version ~
- OK        `|`\___/`|`       *kitty-scrollback.nvim* @ `v5.0.0`
           =) `^`Y`^` (=
            \  *^*  /       If you have any issues or questions using *kitty-scrollback.nvim* then     
            ` )=*=( `       please create an issue at                                                    
            /     \       https://github.com/mikesmithgh/kitty-scrollback.nvim/issues and              
            |     |       provide the `KittyScrollbackCheckHealth` report.                               
           /| | | |\                                                                                    
           \| | `|`_`|`/\
            /_// ___/     *Bonus* *points* *for* *cat* *memes*

kitty-scrollback: Kitty remote control ~
- OK `kitty @ ls` exited with code *0*

kitty-scrollback: Kitty data ~
- OK Kitty data available
    columns = 193,
    cursor_x = 1,
    cursor_y = 1,
    kitty_config_dir = "/home/jr2396/.config/kitty",
    kitty_opts = {
      allow_remote_control = "yes",
      listen_on = "unix:/tmp/kitty",
      scrollback_fill_enlarged_window = false,
      scrollback_lines = 2000,
      scrollback_pager = { "less", "--chop-long-lines", "--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS", "+INPUT_LINE_NUMBER" },
      scrollback_pager_history_size = 0,
      shell_integration = "enabled"
    kitty_path = "/usr/bin/kitty",
    kitty_scrollback_config = "ksb_builtin_checkhealth",
    kitty_version = { 0, 35, 2 },
    ksb_dir = "/home/jr2396/.local/share/nvim/lazy/kitty-scrollback.nvim",
    lines = 48,
    scrolled_by = 0,
    shell = "/bin/bash",
    tmux = vim.empty_dict(),
    window_id = 1,
    window_title = "bash"

kitty-scrollback: Kitty version 0.32.2+ ~
- OK kitty 0.35.2

kitty-scrollback: clipboard ~
- OK Clipboard tool found: *wl-copy*

kitty-scrollback: sed ~
- OK `sed -E -e s/\r//g -e s/$/\x1b[0m/g` exited with code *0* and stdout `expected`
     `sed: /usr/bin/sed`

kitty-scrollback: Kitty debug config ~
- OK kitty 0.35.2 (681a2b7b28) created by Kovid Goyal
     Linux HD211432O8M 6.9.9-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 12 Jul 2024 00:06:53 +0000 x86_64
     Arch Linux 6.9.9-arch1-1 (/dev/tty)

     Running under: `Wayland (Hyprland v0.41.2,) missing: single_pixel_bufferOpenGL:` '4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.1.3-arch1.1' Detected version: 4.6
     `Frozen:` False
     `Fonts:  medium:` JetBrainsMonoNF-Regular: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrainsMonoNerdFont-Regular.ttf:0
     `  bold:` JetBrainsMonoNF-SemiBold: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrainsMonoNerdFont-SemiBold.ttf:0
     `  italic:` JetBrainsMonoNF-Italic: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrainsMonoNerdFont-Italic.ttf:0
     `  bi:` JetBrainsMonoNF-SemiBoldItalic: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrainsMonoNerdFont-SemiBoldItalic.ttf:0
     `Paths:  kitty:` /usr/bin/kitty
     `  base dir:` /usr/lib/kitty
     `  extensions dir:` /usr/lib/kitty/kitty
     `  system shell:` /bin/bash
     `Loaded config files:`

     Config options different from defaults:
     allow_remote_control    yes
     enable_audio_bell       False
     font_family             JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
     font_size               16.0
     listen_on               unix:/tmp/kitty
        U+e0a0 - U+e0a3 → PowerlineSymbols
        U+e0c0 - U+e0c7 → PowerlineSymbols
     `Changed mouse actions:`
        ctrl+shift+right press ungrabbed →  combine : mouse_select_command_output : kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_visited_cmd_output
     `Added shortcuts:`
        ctrl+space > shift+p →  kitten mykitten.py, launch --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output --type=primary, kitten hints --type path --program -, kitten hints --type path --program @
     `Changed shortcuts:`
        kitty_mod+g →  kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output
        kitty_mod+h →  kitty_scrollback_nvim -nvim-args --clean --noplugin -n
        active_tab_background   #614a82 
        active_tab_foreground   #ddd8bb 
        background              #1f1f28 
        color0                  #1f1f28 
        color1                  #e46a78 
        color10                 #9ec967 
        color11                 #f1c982 
        color12                 #7bc2df 
        color13                 #a98fd2 
        color14                 #7bc2df 
        color15                 #a8a48d 
        color2                  #98bc6d 
        color3                  #e5c283 
        color4                  #7eb3c9 
        color5                  #957fb8 
        color6                  #7eb3c9 
        color7                  #ddd8bb 
        color8                  #3c3c51 
        color9                  #ec818c 
        cursor                  #e6e0c2 
        cursor_text_color       #1f1f28 
        foreground              #ddd8bb 
        inactive_tab_background #363644 
        inactive_tab_foreground #ddd8bb 
        selection_background    #49473e 
        selection_foreground    #ddd8bb 

     `Important environment variables seen by the kitty process:`
        PATH                                `/home/jr2396/.local/share/zinit/polaris/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/jr2396/.fzf/bin`
        LANG                                `en_US.UTF-8`
        SHELL                               `/bin/bash`
        DISPLAY                             `:0`
        WAYLAND_DISPLAY                     `wayland-1`
        USER                                `jr2396`
        XCURSOR_SIZE                        `24`
        XDG_BACKEND                         `wayland`
        XDG_SEAT                            `seat0`
        XDG_SESSION_TYPE                    `wayland`
        XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP                 `Hyprland`
        XDG_SESSION_CLASS                   `user`
        XDG_VTNR                            `1`
        XDG_SESSION_ID                      `1`
        XDG_RUNTIME_DIR                     `/run/user/1392815772`
mikesmithgh commented 1 month ago

Hi @jmrussell, when you enter insert mode the paste window opens as expected behavior.

paulwyszynski commented 1 month ago

I guess it's the position of the paste window. When i open the scrollback buffer for the last command and try to yank something it opens the paste window at the top or sometimes in the middle of the screen whereas when I open the whole scrollback buffer with ctrl+shift+h and yank somethin, it show the paste window at the bottom as expected.

mikesmithgh commented 1 month ago

@paulwyszynski thanks for clarifying. That makes sense, I'll take a look at the logic for window position and see if I can improve this.

https://github.com/mikesmithgh/kitty-scrollback.nvim/issues/255 might also be of interest.