mikesol / purescript-deku

A PureScript web UI framework
Apache License 2.0
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How to set a custom attribute #113

Closed jerbaroo closed 5 months ago

jerbaroo commented 5 months ago

For example <div data-foo="bar">

jerbaroo commented 5 months ago

One answer is to define this function (which I think should exist in the Deku library):

  :: forall r. String -> FRP.Poll.Poll String -> FRP.Poll.Poll (Deku.Attribute.Attribute a)
attr key= Functor.map
  (Deku.Attribute.unsafeAttribute <<< { key: key, value: _ } <<< Deku.Attribute.prop')

attr_ :: forall r. String -> String -> FRP.Poll.Poll (Deku.Attribute.Attribute a)
attr_ key = attr key <<< Applicative.pure

Then you can write:

      [ attr_ "data-foo" "bar" ]
      [ text_ "hello" ]