mikesol / purescript-deku

A PureScript web UI framework
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Monomorphize Deku in terms of Korok #54

Closed purefunctor closed 1 year ago

purefunctor commented 1 year ago

This PR changes the top-level functions and interpreters to work on a polymorphic m, which is either unlifted into Effect or ST.


  1. Building Domables through the element functions now just require MonadST, which can be further elided;
  2. The Toplevel functions and Interpret interpreters make use of the UnliftEffect and UnliftST type classes, allowing them to accept polymorphic Domables
  3. An immediate caveat is that Domables have to have a monomorphic m before they're passed to the runX functions, making it impossible to write expressions such as runInBody (C.text_ "Hello, World")
  4. With Mermaid, there's a bug in hydration where it fails to find a node to set the text to, presumably because of how during SSR, no placeholder element was inserted as a marker.
mikesol commented 1 year ago

Nice! Before I dive into the review, it would be good to stay high level for a bit and discuss benefits and potential drawbacks.

The performance benchmarks are roughly the same, so there's no benefit or drawback there.

The type signature for a component is still the same in terms of the number of constraints and type variables, so there also seems to be no benefit or drawback, although you mentioned that we may be able to tighten up the type signature?

What do you see, in general, as the biggest benefits of the PR? Could you provide before/after examples (like if there is better inference, where inference failed before but succeeds here)?

Off the top of my head, things that I think this line of work could improve are:

I'm not sure if the PR does these things yet, but those seem in the ballpark of what it could do.

If it provides other benefits, make sure to list those as well! Ditto for future benefits that it doesn't provide yet but lays the groundwork for.

Thanks again for the PR! My role as maintainer is to ask the tricky questions, but regardless of how this PR pans out, I'm super impressed by your ability to dive into the code and wrangle it like this!

purefunctor commented 1 year ago

Going forward, what this PR entails is that it makes the intent of rendering on the browser versus server-side plus hydration by reflecting it in the type of the Domable being built by the user. More specifically, Domable Effect is for the latter; Domable (ST s) is for the latter; and Domable (Mermaid s) allows effects to be elided during server-side rendering, but can be restored during hydration, which removes the need for Always-based coercions. Finally, a MonadST s m => Domable m is a component that can fit within any context.

This PR also eliminates the need for the Korok type class and the Always constraints that it requires; the DOM functions should now infer to:

app :: forall s m l p. MonadST s m => Domable m l p

which is a lot more manageable in terms of mental overhead. However, one such downside of this design is that the runInX functions have to accept monomorphic Domable types and cannot be called inline:

main = runInBody (text_ "Hello, world.")  -- oh no!

But, we could always provide a Prelude that provides monomorphized versions of the top-level functions meant to be consumed by those just starting out. Alternatively, we could provide coercion functions at the top-level.

inEf :: forall l p. (forall m. MonadST Global m => Domable m l p) -> Domable Effect l p
inEf = unsafeCoerce

main :: Effect Unit
main = runInBody (inEf (text_ "Hello world"))

Going over to some implementation details however, the MonadST constraint required by DOM functions seems to be as minimal as we can have it, since Bolson itself requires MonadST with flatten. While it'd be nice to have no constraints at all, this is still an improvement over Korok.

mikesol commented 1 year ago

Going forward, what this PR entails is that it makes the intent of rendering on the browser versus server-side plus hydration by reflecting it in the type of the Domable being built by the user. More specifically, Domable Effect is for the latter; Domable (ST s) is for the latter; and Domable (Mermaid s) allows effects to be elided during server-side rendering, but can be restored during hydration, which removes the need for Always-based coercions. Finally, a MonadST s m => Domable m is a component that can fit within any context.

Is there now the possibility to make all of Deku monomorphic to Domable (Mermaid Global) and then make the ssr/effect/hydration distinction via the interpreter? This would be a strong argument for the PR: it would simplify type signatures and likely improve errors.

For a newcomer to the project, I'm not sure that app :: forall s m l p. MonadST s m => Domable m l p has less mental overhead than app :: forall s m l p. Korok s m => Domable m l p. If they were familiar with ST then it would be easier to grok what the former is doing, but that doesn't seem like a strong benefit (yet).

purefunctor commented 1 year ago

Is there now the possibility to make all of Deku monomorphic to Domable (Mermaid Global) and then make the ssr/effect/hydration distinction via the interpreter? This would be a strong argument for the PR: it would simplify type signatures and likely improve errors.

It would lead to the least amount of friction, at least in terms of better UX and having a simpler abstraction to elide effects as needed. Although, it also means that all existing Domable Effect apps should convert their AnEvent Effect using fromEfEvent as provided by the mermaid library. Similarly, apps that are built for SSR/Hydration would have to go through a similar process with replacing fromEvent calls with fromEfEvent.

For a newcomer to the project, I'm not sure that app :: forall s m l p. MonadST s m => Domable m l p has less mental overhead than app :: forall s m l p. Korok s m => Domable m l p. If they were familiar with ST then it would be easier to grok what the former is doing, but that doesn't seem like a strong benefit (yet).

I agree. FRP in itself is a pretty difficult topic, but one edge that Deku has with FRP+SDOM is that it's easy to build apps that just work as opposed to the more boilerplate-y approach that (Hooks-less) Halogen takes. Is hiding the m ultimately restrictive to the user? For what it's worth, it seems like it's only either Effect and ST that's used for it.

purefunctor commented 1 year ago

I ran some benchmarks to compare current main with Domable (Mermaid Global)-based components on the todo test and got these metrics:

  "hookChange": {
    "scriptTime": "-1%",
    "peakHeap": "2%",
    "averageHeap": "-2%",
    "averageFPS": "9%"
  "dekuChange": {
    "scriptTime": "2%",
    "peakHeap": "0%",
    "averageHeap": "1%",
    "averageFPS": "-4%"
  "componentChange": {
    "scriptTime": "12%",
    "peakHeap": "6%",
    "averageHeap": "2%",
    "averageFPS": "-2%"
mikesol commented 1 year ago

Is there now the possibility to make all of Deku monomorphic to Domable (Mermaid Global) and then make the ssr/effect/hydration distinction via the interpreter? This would be a strong argument for the PR: it would simplify type signatures and likely improve errors.

It would lead to the least amount of friction, at least in terms of better UX and having a simpler abstraction to elide effects as needed. Although, it also means that all existing Domable Effect apps should convert their AnEvent Effect using fromEfEvent as provided by the mermaid library. Similarly, apps that are built for SSR/Hydration would have to go through a similar process with replacing fromEvent calls with fromEfEvent.

For a newcomer to the project, I'm not sure that app :: forall s m l p. MonadST s m => Domable m l p has less mental overhead than app :: forall s m l p. Korok s m => Domable m l p. If they were familiar with ST then it would be easier to grok what the former is doing, but that doesn't seem like a strong benefit (yet).

I agree. FRP in itself is a pretty difficult topic, but one edge that Deku has with FRP+SDOM is that it's easy to build apps that just work as opposed to the more boilerplate-y approach that (Hooks-less) Halogen takes. Is hiding the m ultimately restrictive to the user? For what it's worth, it seems like it's only either Effect and ST that's used for it.

I think this is fine, we can do a tour of the community and see what apps would be hit the hardest. Most are polymorphic over m.

I'd recommend continuing the PR by making everything monomorphic in Mermaid - once the basics are up, I can help migrate the examples.

From there, we could even be able to newtype Domable and sweep all of the type variables under the carpet, that'd be so nice...

purefunctor commented 1 year ago

vbussed is still broken, presumably because of how it's implemented through FFI 😄

purefunctor commented 1 year ago

vbussed should now work with the latest changes introduced in hyrule/pure/zora.