Open srghma opened 2 months ago
newtype Yoneda f a = Yoneda (forall b. (a -> r) -> f r)
newtype Curried f a = Curried { runCurried :: forall r. f (a -> r) -> f r }
newtype APoll event a = APoll (forall r. event (a -> r) -> event r)
newtype Codensity f a = Codensity { runCodensity :: (a -> f b) -> f b }
IF Yoneda lemma tells that (a -> result) -> result
is equal to just a
(also, this is a main idea of Continuation Passing Style)
THEN to WHAT is equal (a -> result) -> f result
???? (Yoneda implemented in Haskell)
AND to WHAT is equal f (a -> result) -> f result
???? (Curried)
AND to WHAT is equal (a -> f result) -> f result
???? (Codensity)
(a -> result) -> f result
HAS f a
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
g :: forall a . (Color -> a) -> Maybe a
g colorToA = Just $ colorToA Blue -- 3 + 1 variants
f (a -> result) -> f result
HAS f a
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
data Pair a = Pair a a
-- if [f x] = x+1
-- and [a] = 3
-- then [(a -> f result) -> f result] is 4
f :: forall a . Maybe (Color -> a) -> Maybe a
f Nothing = Nothing -- 1 vairiant
f (Just colorToA) = Just (colorToA Blue) -- 3 variants
-- if [f x] = x*x
-- and [a] = 3
-- then [f (a -> result) -> f result] is 3*3
g :: forall a . Pair (Color -> a) -> Pair a
g (Pair colorToA1 colorToA2) = Pair output1 output2 -- I can do `Pair output1 output1` or `Pair output1 output2` or `Pair output2 output1` or `Pair output2 output2`, BUT only 3*3=9 distinct variants are possible
output1 = colorToA1 Blue -- 3 variants
output2 = colorToA2 Blue -- 3 variants
(a -> f result) -> f result
HAS f a
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
data Pair a = Pair a a
-- if [f x] = x+1
-- and [a] = 3
-- then [(a -> f result) -> f result] is 4
f :: forall a . (Color -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a
f colorToMaybe = Nothing -- 1+3 vairiant
output = colorToMaybe Blue -- variants
-- if [f x] = x*x
-- and [a] = 3
-- then [f (a -> result) -> f result] is 3*3
g :: forall a . (Color -> Pair a) -> Pair a
g colorToPair = Pair output1 output2 -- I can do `Pair output1 output1` or `Pair output1 output2` or `Pair output2 output1` or `Pair output2 output2`, BUT only 3*3=9 distinct variants are possible
Pair output1 output2 = colorToPair Blue -- 3 variants
f (a -> f result) -> f result
HAS f a
import Control.Bind (bindFlipped)
type Yoneda f a = forall r . (a -> r) -> f r
proof_Yoneda_to :: forall f a . Yoneda f a -> f a
proof_Yoneda_to y = y identity
proof_Yoneda_from :: forall f a . Functor f => f a -> Yoneda f a
proof_Yoneda_from fa g = map g fa
type Curried f a = forall r . f (a -> r) -> f r
proof_Curried_to :: forall f a . Applicative f => Curried f a -> f a
proof_Curried_to c = c (pure identity)
proof_Curried_from :: forall f a . Applicative f => f a -> Curried f a
proof_Curried_from fa g = apply g fa
type Codensity f a = forall r . (a -> f r) -> f r
proof_Codensity_to :: forall f a . Applicative f => Codensity f a -> f a
proof_Codensity_to c = c pure
proof_Codensity_from :: forall f a . Monad f => f a -> Codensity f a
proof_Codensity_from fa g = bindFlipped g fa
type Unknown f a = forall r . f (a -> f r) -> f r
proof_Unknown_to :: forall f a . Monad f => Unknown f a -> f a
proof_Unknown_to c = c (pure pure)
proof_Unknown_from :: forall f a . Monad f => f a -> Unknown f a
proof_Unknown_from fa fg = fa >>= \a -> fg >>= \g -> g a
If Poll is Cont, that what is it's callCC
? (That allows to regain access to innards of Cont)