miketeachman / micropython-esp32-i2s-examples

Usage and examples for I2S support on the ESP32 microcontroller
MIT License
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examples does not work... #31

Open Aldbz opened 5 months ago

Aldbz commented 5 months ago


For a personnal project, i try to use ESP32 WROOM (devkit1) with a PCM5102 and a SDcard. I have try to use your examples, but it doesn't work at home... I try with a MAX98357A and it work perfectly...

I'm going to describe the steps I took:

1/ flash micropython v 1.21 (this works for the other programs I've already done)

2/ connect the PCM with the ESP32 as shown. VIN = 3.3V, GND+SCK = GND, BLK = 32, DIN=33, LCK=25. I didn't solder any of the jumpers to the board. Was this necessary?

3/I plugged in my earphones

4/ open thonny, copy and paste the code from the example "play_tone.py", save on the board as "test.py" and click on the green button of thonny (to upload and run the programme)

the result is : no sound on the ear phone. I put the volume_reduction_factor at 1, nothing change... The programm seem to run correctly, but no sound.

Do i miss a step? Thank, A.