mikeudacity / robo-pace-betatest

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sjuneja L02E02 #2

Open sahiljuneja opened 7 years ago

sahiljuneja commented 7 years ago

The images (including from other lectures) are a bit sluggish to load. Don't think it's my relatively slow internet connection because they seem to download fine individually.

But the main point,

The image text isn't legible, unless you click on it and it zooms in. Even then the text is a bit tiny.

It might be better if you have a larger image by default, or have them laid out separately (one or two column style) where you have a smaller character image with their description underneath or next to it.

Ravi's character description has a type for the word "into". "Ravi's overconfidence got the team NTO the competition"

cangelogamboa commented 7 years ago

Thank you for posting about these issues. We are working on them now.