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sjuneja L02E04 Quiz 1 #5

Open sahiljuneja opened 7 years ago

sahiljuneja commented 7 years ago

Found this to be an interesting approach to a basic geometry/trigonometry problem. I think it covers your preferred target audience for an opening quiz. I tried some of the incorrect options and upon submitting got some good suggestions on what can be looked at.

Few things though -

  1. Perhaps in the schematic, you could have a description of "what is what". Mark the hip, knee, and ankle before they go into details. Not necessarily required because from the context you can understand it, but might be good.

  2. A typo I think in the quiz.

the leg from knee to ankle is length 1

I am not entirely sure if you meant to have it as "the length from knee to ankle" or ". Thought of pointing that out.

  1. One of the incorrect options upon submitting links to Khan Academy but is named "Trig Tutorial" instead of "Trigonometry Tutorial" as the others. Just a small detail. And there's currently no proper text for a correct submission.
cangelogamboa commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your feedback! I will keep these in mind as I work on the changes.