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is there any tutorial #4

Open baidatong opened 5 years ago

baidatong commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I was playing with it by using the data from https://figshare.com/articles/ Labeled_DendriticSpines-_Training_Data/6149207, but I do not know how to do next after loading the images. Is there any tutorial about what should I do after it?

Thanks very much!

Best, Jiangheng

programerkotik commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I was playing with it by using the data from https://figshare.com/articles/ Labeled_DendriticSpines-_Training_Data/6149207, but I do not know how to do next after loading the images. Is there any tutorial about what should I do after it?

Thanks very much!

Best, Jiangheng

Hi, dear Jiangheng, Have came up with how it works? I feel myself in the same position as you 2 years ago I believe. Would really appreciate some advice.

Best, Anna