mikewuu / KinesisBLE

Custom Kinesis Controller with Wireless BLE
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Turning off pomodoro timings? #6

Closed mseflek closed 4 years ago

mseflek commented 4 years ago

Sorry if I'm getting annoying! Quick question: is there a quick way to turn off the pomodoro timings feature? I looked through the build log but I believe some of the discussions there are outdated wrt to the current firmware.

mikewuu commented 4 years ago

No worries, glad you're enjoying the firmware. Just comment out restCheck() in Keyboard::update

void Keyboard::update(void) {

  auto update = matrix.scan();
  if (update) {
    idleTime = millis();

mseflek commented 4 years ago

Thanks! That's helpful. Any problems you foresee with modifying that part of the code and adding an if statement to check for a REST_TIMER flag in config.h? Was thinking of doing this in my personal fork.

mikewuu commented 4 years ago

That might not have any significant impact, but keep in mind that the update method is the main loop; yourif will be constantly checked.

mseflek commented 4 years ago

your if will be constantly checked.

Yeah that's what I thought too -- I'll see if I can get around doing that. Thanks!