mikeyEcology / MLWIC2

Classify camera trap images using machine learning with R Shiny Apps
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Unable to classify with trained model #11

Open JoejynWan opened 4 years ago

JoejynWan commented 4 years ago

Hi @mikeyEcology,

Thank you for your previous help regarding the training of the model with GPU. After training a new model (Resnet34) with my images, I tried to classify another set of images using that model, and I encounter a whole long bunch of errors. Although, one main error that stood out was: tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Restoring from checkpoint failed. This is most likely due to a mismatch between the current graph and the graph from the checkpoint. Please ensure that you have not altered the graph expected based on the checkpoint.

What may be causing this? I have tried only keeping the most recent snapshot in the training folder, but the error still persists. I would also like to note that after the new model was trained, the predictions.csv file was not saved anywhere in the system, even after I tried defining an absolute path for save_predictions. I am not sure if this may be a result of the do_evaluate function not running properly during train(), or maybe its a Windows directory pathing problem?

Just for some extra information that might be helpful, these are my inputs/args of the classify() run:

Namespace(LR_details='19, 30, 44, 53, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001', LR_policy='piecewise_linear', WD_details='30, 0.0005, 0.0', WD_policy='piecewise_linear', architecture='resnet', batch_size=128, chunked_batch_size=128, command='eval', delimiter=',', depth=34, log_debug_info=False, log_device_placement=False, log_dir='C:/Users/jmwan/Documents/MLWIC2/MLWIC2_helper_files/resnet_Run-18-05-2020_14-42-19', max_to_keep=5, num_batches=-1, num_classes=1000, num_epochs=55, num_gpus=1, num_prefetch=2000, num_threads=1, optimizer='momentum', path_prefix='C:/Users/jmwan/Documents/MLWIC2/Extracted-Images/n_train_test=8000-train_prop=0.5/testingset-n_test=4000', processed_size=[224, 224, 3], raw_size=[256, 256, 3], retrain_from=None, run_metadata=None, run_name='Run-18-05-2020_17-26-54', run_options=None, save_predictions='C:/Users/jmwan/Documents/MLWIC2/MLWIC2_helper_files//model_predictions.txt', shuffle=True, snapshot_prefix='C:/Users/jmwan/Documents/MLWIC2/MLWIC2_helper_files/resnet_Run-18-05-2020_14-42-19', top_n=2, train_info=None, transfer_mode=[0], val_info='C:/Users/jmwan/Documents/MLWIC2/Extracted-Images/n_train_test=8000-train_prop=0.5/MLWIC2_testing_datasheet-n_test=4000.csv')

Thank you!

mikeyEcology commented 4 years ago

I changed something in the classify function that might help. Can you try re-installing the package and re-running classify with your trained model?

JoejynWan commented 4 years ago

Hi @mikeyEcology

Thank you so much, that helped with regards to classify(). However, I don't think this would solve the missing predictions.csv during train()? Since num_classes was defined during train().