mikeyaworski / Twitch-Lurker

Always support your favorite streamer by automatically pulling up their stream when they go live.
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More advanced tab management #14

Open adan-ea opened 1 year ago

adan-ea commented 1 year ago

Hi, first of all, i like the extention ! Thanks for working on this. I had two or three ideas :

TurboKKV commented 2 weeks ago

Just got Twitch Lurker. Favorite a channel. Default preference was to open as muted tab.

Now, if I want to watch that channel, I cannot find a way to unmute the open muted tab. I do know already the right-click on the Chrome tab, but the option is to Mute Site of a tab that is already muted by Twitch Lurker. Is there a way to unmute?

mikeyaworski commented 2 weeks ago

Just got Twitch Lurker. Favorite a channel. Default preference was to open as muted tab.

Now, if I want to watch that channel, I cannot find a way to unmute the open muted tab. I do know already the right-click on the Chrome tab, but the option is to Mute Site of a tab that is already muted by Twitch Lurker. Is there a way to unmute?

This is a limitation with Chrome. You can change a setting which allows you to unmute tabs: Go to chrome://flags in your browser and enable the option Tab audio muting UI control

Alternatively, other browsers such as Edge and Firefox allow you to mute/unmute an individual tab. Chrome is just the weirdest browser with not supporting that behavior by default.

Also this is unrelated to the issue thread that we are commenting on, so if you have more questions about it, create a new issue (just to keep it organized).