mikeymicrophone / commissulator

Commissulator is a set of tools that help Real Estate Agents working with Citi Pads in Manhattan streamline their paperwork.
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Deals shown on map #22

Open mikeymicrophone opened 5 years ago

mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

Each deal has a street address in Manhattan. Using MapKit JS (Apple), add them to a map.

mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

The deal should be mapped on its show page.

mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

An agent's deals should be mapped on the agent show page.

mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

All deals within a date range should be mapped on the deals index.

kuhnchris commented 5 years ago

Is there a reason why you want to use MapKit JS v.s., let's say Bing Maps or Google Maps? At least I didn't find a MapKit component for Rails directly, but you could always integrate it directly into the HTML template/view...

mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

Let's use MapKit. Generate the HTML using Ruby helpers, and any functions needed in the coffeescript files.

kuhnchris commented 5 years ago

OK, but you want us to register ourselves with apple dev program to get the MapKitJS Library, or will you provide that to us/me?

Full tutorial: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2018/508

mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the update. I'll work on getting a credential. If you can find one from someone (that we could use for a couple weeks), fantastic.

kuhnchris commented 5 years ago

Hi there, sure, I can try signing up myself but it will be domain-bound, so ill provide a pr with dummy credentials and you will have to fill yours in later. do you want the map on a specific page or is an test page with the new component enough for you?


mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

As indicated above, the maps should be on the deals#show page, the agents#show page, and the deals#index

kuhnchris commented 5 years ago

Guess that's the end of the line for me: image Not going to shed 99$/year for that kinda thing, sorry.


mikeymicrophone commented 5 years ago

I got a credential that you can use. If you're interested, let's attempt a handoff as described here

kuhnchris commented 5 years ago

Sure, if you want me to try. I will create the key and let you know about the credentials.

Thanks, Chris