Closed jl452 closed 2 years ago
Yes, and? What exactly is the issue here?
Having to type --filter "media_id == '…'"
each time is a chore and it should be made possible in a more user friendly way, I'd guess.
I usually use gallery-dl with copy the url from instagram's app, and here I will have to carefully copy the part of the url in a separate parameter (even in quotes, and I have to be careful not to accidentally erase the quotes when I edit this)
ps: the full story's url works in gallery-dl without objection, it is only necessary to remove the part with & - "bash" perceives it as a service symbol when I not use quotes for url
pss: the ability to download all the stories is also useful, sometimes you need to download 9 out of 10 - it's easier to download all 10 and delete 1
like this
story url from instagram:
https :// /stories/geekmig / 2724343156064789461...blablabla autoconvert in gallery-dl to