mikf / gallery-dl

Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites
GNU General Public License v2.0
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How would one download ALL media tweets? #5682

Open jojo2833432 opened 3 weeks ago

jojo2833432 commented 3 weeks ago

What I mean by this is that when I download a twitter artists works by inputting into the cmd program: "C:\Users\user_name\Downloads\gallery-dl.exe --sleep 1 -u @user123 -p pass123 https://x.com/art_user/media" it only downloads 1000+ images/media, when twitter claims the artist has uploaded 6000+ more? I know that twitter supposedly only lets you see "3500" tweets while viewing accounts. But there are methods of using "advanced" search to find said older tweets. But I find the method inefficient. Has anyone figured out how to do this with gallery-dl? or would I need to use another program?

a84r7a3rga76fg commented 3 weeks ago

Get the tweet IDs from Nitter instances

jojo2833432 commented 3 weeks ago

Get the tweet IDs from Nitter instances

Nitter seems to have shut down? I myself haven't found the site by googling it.

mikf commented 3 weeks ago

Try https://x.com/art_user (or https://x.com/art_user/timeline) as input URL. This will use the results from /media plus advanced search results. This will still not grab all Tweets, especially for R18 artists, but it should be more than /media alone.

Get the tweet IDs from Nitter instances

Nitter has a method of collecting all of a user's Tweets? Why hasn't anyone told me that before so that I can include it into gallery-dl?

Nitter seems to have shut down?

Nitter is pretty much dead, but there are still a few select, heavily rate-limited instances out there.

jojo2833432 commented 2 weeks ago

So, im assuming its just not possible to get all, but to get most instead? right? and I did do the "https://x.com/art_user" but it just downloads other users media. Is there a command line Im missing that can ONLY download the users media? Also did the "/timeline" which leads to: [twitter][error] AuthenticationError: "Wrong password!" after inputting: [--sleep 1 -u @user -p 123 https://x.com/Art_user/timeline]

Zerenidel commented 1 week ago

Bro, What command is this? gallery-dl.exe --sleep 1 -u@user123-p pass123 https://x.com/art_user/media " I'm trying to use the Command !gallery-dl https://twitter.com/user/media But it failed. Can you tell me what this is? ( -u@user123-p pass123)

jojo2833432 commented 1 week ago

Bro, What command is this? gallery-dl.exe --sleep 1 -u@user123-p pass123 https://x.com/art_user/media " I'm trying to use the Command !gallery-dl https://twitter.com/user/media But it failed. Can you tell me what this is? ( -u@user123-p pass123)

that "my username" and "password" example for gallery-dl. cmd command line.

mikf commented 1 week ago

Bro, What command is this?


mikf commented 1 week ago

but to get most instead? right?

It should get most, but no guarantees. Search results are incomplete and there will be Tweets missing, but there is not much that can be done about it.

but it just downloads other users media

This really shouldn't happen, at least not with default settings.

"image-filter": "user is author"

will ignore all Tweets from other users.

AuthenticationError: "Wrong password!" -u @user

Does your username really start with an @ ?

jojo2833432 commented 1 week ago

Well its asking me put the "@" into my username when I want to download from twitter.

mikf commented 1 week ago

Neither gallery-dl nor Twitter ask you to put an @ into your username when logging in. Where did you even get this from?

If your Twitter handle is user123, then use -u user123.

jojo2833432 commented 1 week ago

strangely it didn't like that I didn't put the "@" into my username. Today I checked it out without the "@" and it seems to work.

jojo2833432 commented 1 week ago

Now gallery-dl seems to be stuck on the timeout process in the middle of downloading any users media. :/ "[twitter][info] Waiting until 21:24:40 (rate limit)" its been doing that alot. with the "sleep" function.