mikf / gallery-dl

Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites
GNU General Public License v2.0
10.66k stars 880 forks source link

Hey bro, register deviantart application failed #5741

Closed ZhuGeCold closed 1 week ago

ZhuGeCold commented 1 week ago

Used the "https://mikf.github.io/gallery-dl/oauth-redirect.html" is failed.

It returns "Invalid OAuth2 Redirect URI Whitelist - At least one valid URI must be provided."

Please tell me how I can solve this problem. Thanks.

mikf commented 1 week ago

Bro, you need to input the URL without quotes " ". Just


and nothing else.

ZhuGeCold commented 1 week ago

Bro, you need to input the URL without quotes " ". Just


and nothing else.

I found that the key and ID had been generated at the same time as the error was reported lol.Thx.