mikf / gallery-dl

Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Converting Pixiv ugoira to gif, and changing filename and directory while also preserving the zip file #5744

Closed Fezzanyi closed 1 week ago

Fezzanyi commented 1 week ago

Hi. I am fairly new to all of this, so excuse me my lack of knowledge.

Some times ago I found those lines from #2101 and #2326, and so I tried to combine them in the config.json file. But even thought they work perfectly separately, they don't work when I tried to use them both, no mater in what ways I tried. I also wondered is it possible to convert this .zip to .gif while also, preserving both of them without deleting .zip file.

I would really appreciate it if someone would help me with this and possibly explained what the hell am I suppose to do. Cuz I have no idea.

The codes I am trying to combine: from #2101

    "extractor": {
        "pixiv": {
            "ugoira": true,
            "postprocessors": ["ugoira-gif"]

    "postprocessor": {
        "ugoira-gif": {
            "name": "ugoira",
            "extension": "gif",
            "ffmpeg-args": ["-filter_complex", "[0:v] split [a][b];[a] palettegen [p];[b][p] paletteuse"]

and from #2326

        "base-directory": "./",
            "retweets": "original",
            "videos": true,
            "directory": ["[gallery-dl]", "[{category}] {author[name]}"],
            "filename": "[{category}] {author[name]}—{date:%Y.%m.%d}—{retweet_id|tweet_id}—{filename}.{extension}"
            "directory": ["[gallery-dl]", "[{category}] {user[id]}—{user[name]}"],
            "filename": "[{category}] {user[id]}—{id}—{user[name]}—{date:%Y.%m.%d}—{title}—{num}.{extension}"
mikf commented 1 week ago

I would really appreciate it if someone would help me with this and possibly explained what the hell am I suppose to do. Cuz I have no idea.

You copy settings from both configs and combine them into the relevant sections of one, i.e. all from both pixiv sections into one, etc.

I also wondered is it possible to convert this .zip to .gif while also, preserving both of them without deleting .zip file.

Enable keep-files

    "extractor": {
        "base-directory": "./",
            "retweets": "original",
            "videos": true,
            "directory": ["[gallery-dl]", "[{category}] {author[name]}"],
            "filename": "[{category}] {author[name]}—{date:%Y.%m.%d}—{retweet_id|tweet_id}—{filename}.{extension}"
        "pixiv": {
            "ugoira": true,
            "postprocessors": ["ugoira-gif"],
            "directory": ["[gallery-dl]", "[{category}] {user[id]}—{user[name]}"],
            "filename": "[{category}] {user[id]}—{id}—{user[name]}—{date:%Y.%m.%d}—{title}—{num}.{extension}"

    "postprocessor": {
        "ugoira-gif": {
            "name": "ugoira",
            "extension": "gif",
            "keep-files": true,
            "ffmpeg-args": ["-filter_complex", "[0:v] split [a][b];[a] palettegen [p];[b][p] paletteuse"]
Fezzanyi commented 1 week ago

Ohh... Many thanks, mate.