mikf / gallery-dl

Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites
GNU General Public License v2.0
11.36k stars 925 forks source link

how manny file was downloaded and skipped #6023

Open arr111 opened 1 month ago

arr111 commented 1 month ago

How can I find out how many files have been downloaded and how many files have been skipped, because they are already in the folder?

below is my gallery-dl config

{ "extractor": { "base-directory": "./gallery-dl/", "parent-directory": false, "postprocessors": null, "archive": null, "cookies": null, "cookies-update": true, "proxy": null, "skip": true, "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0", "retries": 4, "timeout": 30.0, "verify": true, "fallback": true, "sleep": 0, "sleep-request": 0, "sleep-extractor": 0, "path-restrict": "?\u0000-\u001f\u007f<>:\"/\|*", "path-replace": "", "path-remove": "\u0000-\u001f\u007f", "path-strip": "auto", "path-extended": true, "extension-map": { "jpeg": "jpg", "jpe": "jpg", "jfif": "jpg", "jif": "jpg", "jfi": "jpg" }, "kemonoparty": { "metadata": true, "directory": ["{category}", "{service}", "{username} {user}", "{id} {title:R://}"], "filename": "{id}{title:R://}_{num:>02}.{extension}", "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/kemono.sqlite3" }, "pixiv": { "refresh-token": "xxxxqs", "directory": ["{category}" , "{user[id]}—{user[name]}" , "Illustrations"], "include": "artworks", "embeds": false, "metadata": false, "metadata-bookmark": false, "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/pixiv.sqlite3", "tags": "japanese", "ugoira": true }, "yandere" : { "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/yandere.sqlite3" }, "twitter": { "username": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxxx", "cards": false, "conversations": false, "pinned": false, "quoted": false, "replies": true, "retweets": false, "strategy": null, "text-tweets": false, "twitpic": false, "unique": true, "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/twitter.sqlite3", "users": "user", "videos": true } }, "postprocessors": [ { "name": "exec", "filter": "extension == 'zip'", "command": ["unzip", "-o", "{_path}", "-d", "{_directory}"] } ], "downloader": { "filesize-min": null, "filesize-max": null, "mtime": true, "part": true, "part-directory": null, "progress": 3.0, "rate": null, "retries": 4, "timeout": 30.0, "verify": true, "http": { "adjust-extensions": true, "chunk-size": 32768, "headers": null, "validate": true }, "ytdl": { "format": null, "forward-cookies": false, "logging": true, "module": null, "outtmpl": null, "raw-options": null } }, "output": { "mode": "auto", "progress": true, "shorten": true, "ansi": false, "colors": { "success": "1;32", "skip": "2" }, "skip": true, "log": "[{name}][{levelname}] {message}", "logfile": null, "unsupportedfile": null }, "netrc": false }

arr111 commented 1 month ago

I mean how to display it

Alexo88 commented 1 week ago

i havent this file on windows