Open arr111 opened 3 months ago
How can I find out how many files have been downloaded and how many files have been skipped, because they are already in the folder?
below is my gallery-dl config
{ "extractor": { "base-directory": "./gallery-dl/", "parent-directory": false, "postprocessors": null, "archive": null, "cookies": null, "cookies-update": true, "proxy": null, "skip": true, "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0", "retries": 4, "timeout": 30.0, "verify": true, "fallback": true, "sleep": 0, "sleep-request": 0, "sleep-extractor": 0, "path-restrict": "?\u0000-\u001f\u007f<>:\"/\|*", "path-replace": "", "path-remove": "\u0000-\u001f\u007f", "path-strip": "auto", "path-extended": true, "extension-map": { "jpeg": "jpg", "jpe": "jpg", "jfif": "jpg", "jif": "jpg", "jfi": "jpg" }, "kemonoparty": { "metadata": true, "directory": ["{category}", "{service}", "{username} {user}", "{id} {title:R://}"], "filename": "{id}{title:R://}_{num:>02}.{extension}", "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/kemono.sqlite3" }, "pixiv": { "refresh-token": "xxxxqs", "directory": ["{category}" , "{user[id]}—{user[name]}" , "Illustrations"], "include": "artworks", "embeds": false, "metadata": false, "metadata-bookmark": false, "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/pixiv.sqlite3", "tags": "japanese", "ugoira": true }, "yandere" : { "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/yandere.sqlite3" }, "twitter": { "username": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxxx", "cards": false, "conversations": false, "pinned": false, "quoted": false, "replies": true, "retweets": false, "strategy": null, "text-tweets": false, "twitpic": false, "unique": true, "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/twitter.sqlite3", "users": "user", "videos": true } }, "postprocessors": [ { "name": "exec", "filter": "extension == 'zip'", "command": ["unzip", "-o", "{_path}", "-d", "{_directory}"] } ], "downloader": { "filesize-min": null, "filesize-max": null, "mtime": true, "part": true, "part-directory": null, "progress": 3.0, "rate": null, "retries": 4, "timeout": 30.0, "verify": true, "http": { "adjust-extensions": true, "chunk-size": 32768, "headers": null, "validate": true }, "ytdl": { "format": null, "forward-cookies": false, "logging": true, "module": null, "outtmpl": null, "raw-options": null } }, "output": { "mode": "auto", "progress": true, "shorten": true, "ansi": false, "colors": { "success": "1;32", "skip": "2" }, "skip": true, "log": "[{name}][{levelname}] {message}", "logfile": null, "unsupportedfile": null }, "netrc": false }
I mean how to display it
i havent this file on windows
How can I find out how many files have been downloaded and how many files have been skipped, because they are already in the folder?
below is my gallery-dl config
{ "extractor": { "base-directory": "./gallery-dl/", "parent-directory": false, "postprocessors": null, "archive": null, "cookies": null, "cookies-update": true, "proxy": null, "skip": true, "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0", "retries": 4, "timeout": 30.0, "verify": true, "fallback": true, "sleep": 0, "sleep-request": 0, "sleep-extractor": 0, "path-restrict": "?\u0000-\u001f\u007f<>:\"/\|*", "path-replace": "", "path-remove": "\u0000-\u001f\u007f", "path-strip": "auto", "path-extended": true, "extension-map": { "jpeg": "jpg", "jpe": "jpg", "jfif": "jpg", "jif": "jpg", "jfi": "jpg" }, "kemonoparty": { "metadata": true, "directory": ["{category}", "{service}", "{username} {user}", "{id} {title:R://}"], "filename": "{id}{title:R://}_{num:>02}.{extension}", "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/kemono.sqlite3" }, "pixiv": { "refresh-token": "xxxxqs", "directory": ["{category}" , "{user[id]}—{user[name]}" , "Illustrations"], "include": "artworks", "embeds": false, "metadata": false, "metadata-bookmark": false, "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/pixiv.sqlite3", "tags": "japanese", "ugoira": true }, "yandere" : { "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/yandere.sqlite3" }, "twitter": { "username": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxxx", "cards": false, "conversations": false, "pinned": false, "quoted": false, "replies": true, "retweets": false, "strategy": null, "text-tweets": false, "twitpic": false, "unique": true, "archive": "/mnt/sda1/sqlite3/twitter.sqlite3", "users": "user", "videos": true } }, "postprocessors": [ { "name": "exec", "filter": "extension == 'zip'", "command": ["unzip", "-o", "{_path}", "-d", "{_directory}"] } ], "downloader": { "filesize-min": null, "filesize-max": null, "mtime": true, "part": true, "part-directory": null, "progress": 3.0, "rate": null, "retries": 4, "timeout": 30.0, "verify": true, "http": { "adjust-extensions": true, "chunk-size": 32768, "headers": null, "validate": true }, "ytdl": { "format": null, "forward-cookies": false, "logging": true, "module": null, "outtmpl": null, "raw-options": null } }, "output": { "mode": "auto", "progress": true, "shorten": true, "ansi": false, "colors": { "success": "1;32", "skip": "2" }, "skip": true, "log": "[{name}][{levelname}] {message}", "logfile": null, "unsupportedfile": null }, "netrc": false }