mikhael28 / paretOS

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Replace Victory Charts with Lightweight Charting Library #263

Open mikhael28 opened 2 years ago

mikhael28 commented 2 years ago

VictoryCharts takes up a good amount of space in our stats.html breakdown of npm modules that is generated when we run vite build. We are only using one chart, and it's importing a ridiculous amount of node modules for it.

Additionally, when we run pnpm install it routinely complains about Victory Charts not having a required peer of React 16 or whatever. If you have experience with a particular charting library, can you recommend one that has a lighter kb footprint? I have a soft spot for Victory, because Formidable is based in Seattle, but I'm open to change.

jayeclark commented 2 years ago

What about D3 or Britecharts (react wrapper for D3)? It looks like a huge package when importing but IIRC it tree shakes pretty well. And part of Victory seems to be based on it anyway.

mikhael28 commented 2 years ago

D3 might be cool, I've heard good things - it seems like it's its own ecosystem.