mikhailshilkov / With.Fody

A Fody addin to extend immutable C# classes with With() methods to return a copy of an object with one property modified.
MIT License
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Fails to build, complains of invalid strong name token for Mono.Cecil reference #15

Open Andycharalambous opened 6 years ago

Andycharalambous commented 6 years ago

v0.8 of With.Fody blows up during build with:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Fody: The weaver assembly 'With.Fody, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' references an out of date version of Mono.Cecil.dll. Expected strong name token of '1C-A0-91-87-7D-12-CA-03' but got '50-CE-BF-1C-CE-B9-D0-5E'. The weaver needs to update to at least version 3.0 of FodyHelpers.

Checked the references on With.Fody.dll with ILDASM and indeed it references Mono.Cecil with 50-CE-BF-1C-CE-B9-D0-5E public key token. Is there a way around this? Can this please be fixed?


Ninglin commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue. I believe it's because version 0.8 is not compatible with Fody 3.0. If you install fody 2.X you should be fine.

SuddenGunter commented 6 years ago

@mikhailshilkov is this project abandoned?

mikhailshilkov commented 6 years ago

@SuddenGunter I never used it with Fody 3.0 and probably won't. Happy to take a PR.

SuddenGunter commented 5 years ago

@mikhailshilkov actually, we've found another solution for this case: Remute

aalmada commented 5 years ago

@Andycharalambous @Ninglin @SuddenGunter The project was updated to Fody 5.0. Can you please check the latest version of the NuGet package?