Comment(s): Your report is beautifully formatted and presented but as I elaborate in my comments, is lacking in support/clarity of your arguments and recommendations.
Criteria 2: Query Accuracy: Do queries do what they were supposed to do?
Score Level: 4
Comment(s): The queries presented accurately retrieve the data expected/presented within your presentation.
Criteria 3: Query Formatting
Score Level: 4
Comment(s): Queries are formatted according to the SQL lessons.
Criteria 4: Understanding underlying concepts and terminology
Score Level: 2
Comment(s): The report doesn't show a clear and strong grasp of the concepts tested by the project. This is due to the lack of careful and exhaustive analysis of the claims made and the recommendations given.
Overall Score: 12/16
Thank you for your submission. It seems that you gave a good amount of time to your presentation and to honor that, I gave a careful look at your presentation. I hope that you will find my comments helpful to you.
Rubric Score
Criteria 1: Report
Criteria 2: Query Accuracy: Do queries do what they were supposed to do?
Criteria 3: Query Formatting
Criteria 4: Understanding underlying concepts and terminology
Comment(s): The report doesn't show a clear and strong grasp of the concepts tested by the project. This is due to the lack of careful and exhaustive analysis of the claims made and the recommendations given.
Overall Score: 12/16
Thank you for your submission. It seems that you gave a good amount of time to your presentation and to honor that, I gave a careful look at your presentation. I hope that you will find my comments helpful to you.