mikolmogorov / Flye

De novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads using repeat graphs
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Getting started... #2

Closed JohnUrban closed 6 years ago

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago


This is an exciting tool - thanks for developing it. I am eager to get it up and running.

I installed and tried a simple test with 37X coverage of simulated lambda reads. All are 15000 bp long and have no errors. I cannot seem to get abruijn.py to run.

If I try:

abruijn.py reads.fasta out 37

I get:

[16:52:16] INFO: Running ABruijn
[16:52:16] INFO: Assembling reads
[16:52:16] INFO: Indexing kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[16:52:21] INFO: Indexing kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[16:52:23] WARNING: Unable to choose minimum kmer count cutoff. Check if the coverage parameter is correct. Running with default parameter t = 4
[16:52:23] INFO: Building read index
[16:52:23] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[16:52:41] INFO: Extending reads
[16:52:41] INFO: Assembled 0 contigs
[16:52:41] INFO: Generating contig sequences
[16:52:41] INFO: Running Blasr
ERROR, Fail to load FASTA file /gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/lambda/abruijn/out/draft_assembly.fasta to virtual memory.
[16:52:41] ERROR: While running blasr: Command '['blasr', 'reads.fasta', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/lambda/abruijn/out/draft_assembly.fasta', '-bestn', '1', '-minMatch', '15', '-maxMatch', '25', '-m', '5', '-nproc', '1', '-out', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/lambda/abruijn/out/alignment.m5']' returned non-zero exit status 1
[16:52:41] ERROR: Error: Error in alignment module, exiting

Note that draft_assembly.fasta is an empty file.

I saw the warning: WARNING: Unable to choose minimum kmer count cutoff. Check if the coverage parameter is correct. Running with default parameter t = 4

So I tried adding in a minimum cutoff instead of default auto, but when I add any arguments it gives another error:

$ abruijn.py reads.fasta out 37 -m 10
[16:49:22] INFO: Running ABruijn
[16:49:22] INFO: Assembling reads
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/users/jurban/software/abruijn/ABruijn/abruijn.py", line 35, in <module>
  File "/gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/ABruijn/abruijn/main.py", line 102, in main
  File "/gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/ABruijn/abruijn/main.py", line 41, in run
    args.max_cov, args.coverage, args.debug, log_file)
  File "/gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/ABruijn/abruijn/assemble.py", line 48, in assemble
  File "/gpfs/runtime/opt/python/2.7.3/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 506, in check_call
    retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
  File "/gpfs/runtime/opt/python/2.7.3/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 493, in call
    return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
  File "/gpfs/runtime/opt/python/2.7.3/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 679, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/gpfs/runtime/opt/python/2.7.3/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1249, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
TypeError: execv() arg 2 must contain only strings

Any advice to help me get up and running would be appreciated.

best, John

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Here is debug output if it helps -- tried with a new set of reads (37x, error-free):

$ abruijn.py --debug reads.37x.bedtools.fasta out 37
[17:00:54] INFO: Running ABruijn
[17:00:55] INFO: Assembling reads
[17:00:55] DEBUG: Reading FASTA
[17:00:55] DEBUG: Hard threshold set to 3
[17:00:55] INFO: Indexing kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[17:00:58] INFO: Indexing kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[17:00:59] DEBUG: Genome size estimate: 48600
[17:00:59] WARNING: Unable to choose minimum kmer count cutoff. Check if the coverage parameter is correct. Running with default parameter t = 4
[17:00:59] DEBUG: Filtered 0 repetitive kmers
[17:00:59] DEBUG: Estimated minimum kmer coverage: 4, 98402 unique kmers selected
[17:00:59] DEBUG: Initial size: 93382
[17:00:59] DEBUG: Removed 672 entries
[17:00:59] INFO: Building read index
[17:00:59] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Overlap-estimated coverage: 112
[17:01:15] DEBUG: 0 sequences were marked as chimeric
[17:01:15] INFO: Extending reads
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Start Read: -lambdaGenome:33412-48412
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Branch index 1.25217
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:23931-38931   31  0   0.96    5504    9481
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:24038-39038   31  0   1.00    5611    9374
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:24699-39699   29  0   0.95    6272    8713
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:24811-39811   27  0   0.95    6384    8601
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:25228-40228   24  0   0.91    6801    8184
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:25740-40740   21  2   0.92    7313    7672
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26178-41178   19  2   0.92    7751    7234
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26299-41299   18  3   0.95    7872    7113
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26310-41310   18  3   0.95    7883    7102
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26511-41511   16  4   0.99    8084    6901
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26577-41577   16  4   0.95    8150    6835
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26676-41676   15  4   0.95    8249    6736
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26823-41823   15  5   0.99    8396    6589
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26922-41922   13  5   0.96    8495    6490
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:29481-44481   5   20  1.12    11054   3931
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:29519-44519   5   20  1.12    11092   3893
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:29831-44831   4   21  1.09    11404   3581
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:30484-45484   0   25  1.23    12057   2928
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:30600-45600   0   26  1.23    12173   2812
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:31072-46072   0   28  1.26    12645   2340
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:31835-46835   0   29  1.19    13408   1577
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:31823-46823   0   29  1.19    13396   1589
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:31452-46452   0   29  1.19    13025   1960
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:31334-46334   0   29  1.19    12907   2078
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:29048-44048   6   17  1.07    10621   4364
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:28794-43794   7   15  1.07    10367   4618
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:28461-43461   7   14  1.04    10034   4951
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:28377-43377   7   13  1.00    9950    5035
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:28332-43332   7   13  1.03    9905    5080
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:28104-43104   8   11  0.96    9677    5308
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:27928-42928   10  9   0.89    9501    5484
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:27887-42887   10  9   0.93    9460    5525
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:27784-42784   10  7   0.89    9357    5628
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:27520-42520   11  6   0.96    9093    5892
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:27380-42380   11  6   0.96    8953    6032
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:27052-42052   12  5   0.96    8625    6360
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Extension: -lambdaGenome:27928-42928
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Branch index 0.89
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:18375-33375   18  0   0.96    5432    9553
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:18964-33964   18  0   0.93    6021    8964
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:18977-33977   18  0   0.93    6034    8951
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26178-41178   0   18  0.92    13235   1750
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:25740-40740   0   18  0.92    12797   2188
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:25228-40228   0   16  0.91    12285   2700
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:24811-39811   0   16  0.95    11868   3117
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:24699-39699   2   16  0.95    11756   3229
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:24038-39038   4   14  1.00    11095   3890
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:22455-37455   8   9   0.99    9512    5473
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:22911-37911   7   12  1.09    9968    5017
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:23050-38050   7   12  1.09    10107   4878
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:23931-38931   4   13  0.96    10988   3997
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26299-41299   0   19  0.95    13356   1629
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:26310-41310   0   19  0.95    13367   1618
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:22276-37276   9   8   0.96    9333    5652
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:21268-36268   11  5   0.99    8325    6660
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:21137-36137   11  5   1.06    8194    6791
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:21109-36109   11  5   1.06    8166    6819
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:20950-35950   12  5   1.06    8007    6978
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:20611-35611   13  3   0.99    7668    7317
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19805-34805   13  0   1.04    6862    8123
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19804-34804   13  0   1.04    6861    8124
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19411-34411   17  0   1.00    6468    8517
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19345-34345   17  0   0.97    6402    8583
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Extension: -lambdaGenome:22455-37455
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Branch index 0.99
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19805-34805   0   19  1.04    12335   2650
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19804-34804   0   19  1.04    12334   2651
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13493-28493   20  0   1.30    6023    8962
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19411-34411   1   18  1.00    11941   3044
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13336-28336   20  0   1.35    5866    9119
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:19345-34345   1   17  0.97    11875   3110
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:16874-31874   9   9   0.93    9404    5581
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:16551-31551   9   8   0.98    9081    5904
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:15555-30555   15  5   1.00    8085    6900
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:15447-30447   15  5   1.00    7977    7008
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:15156-30156   16  4   0.97    7686    7299
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:14671-29671   17  1   1.03    7201    7784
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13527-28527   20  0   1.30    6057    8928
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:20611-35611   0   22  0.99    13141   1844
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13732-28732   19  0   1.26    6262    8723
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:20950-35950   0   24  1.06    13480   1505
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:14072-29072   17  0   1.06    6602    8383
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:14282-29282   17  0   1.00    6812    8173
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:17181-32181   8   11  1.01    9711    5274
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:17536-32536   6   11  0.97    10066   4919
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:17562-32562   6   11  0.97    10092   4893
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:17761-32761   6   11  0.93    10291   4694
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:17857-32857   5   11  0.93    10387   4598
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:17916-32916   4   11  0.93    10446   4539
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:18375-33375   2   13  0.96    10905   4080
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:18964-33964   2   14  0.93    11494   3491
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:18977-33977   2   14  0.93    11507   3478
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13151-28151   21  0   1.42    5681    9304
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Extension: -lambdaGenome:16874-31874
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Branch index 0.93
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:12167-27167   5   12  1.63    10278   4707
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:11916-26916   7   11  1.70    10027   4958
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:11579-26579   9   8   1.67    9690    5295
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:11465-26465   9   7   1.79    9576    5409
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13151-28151   2   16  1.42    11262   3723
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:8591-23591    19  0   3.17    6702    8283
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:9062-24062    15  1   3.10    7173    7812
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:9217-24217    15  2   3.05    7328    7657
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:9971-24971    12  3   2.98    8082    6903
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:10221-25221   11  5   2.87    8332    6653
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:10256-25256   11  5   2.70    8367    6618
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:11275-26275   9   7   1.79    9386    5599
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:11217-26217   9   7   1.79    9328    5657
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:10490-25490   10  5   2.22    8601    6384
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:10262-25262   11  5   2.70    8373    6612
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:8518-23518    19  0   3.17    6629    8356
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:15156-30156   0   22  0.97    13267   1718
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:8292-23292    20  0   3.17    6403    8582
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:14671-29671   0   19  1.03    12782   2203
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:7583-22583    21  0   3.65    5694    9291
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:14282-29282   0   18  1.00    12393   2592
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:7533-22533    22  0   3.65    5644    9341
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:14072-29072   0   18  1.06    12183   2802
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13493-28493   1   17  1.30    11604   3381
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13527-28527   1   17  1.30    11638   3347
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13732-28732   0   18  1.26    11843   3142
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:13336-28336   1   16  1.35    11447   3538
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Extension: -lambdaGenome:11579-26579
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Branch index 1.67
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:9971-24971    0   23  2.98    13377   1608
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:9062-24062    0   21  3.10    12468   2517
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:9217-24217    0   22  3.05    12623   2362
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:8591-23591    0   20  3.17    11997   2988
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:8518-23518    0   20  3.17    11924   3061
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:8292-23292    1   20  3.17    11698   3287
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:2944-17944    16  0   0.00    6350    8635
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:3217-18217    16  0   0.00    6623    8362
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:3452-18452    15  0   0.00    6858    8127
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:3623-18623    13  1   20.25   7029    7956
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:3775-18775    13  1   20.25   7181    7804
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:3850-18850    13  1   20.25   7256    7729
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:4974-19974    11  7   4.69    8380    6605
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:4887-19887    11  6   4.90    8293    6692
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:4274-19274    12  3   6.72    7680    7305
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:4024-19024    13  1   20.25   7430    7555
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:2851-17851    16  0   0.00    6257    8728
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:2568-17568    17  0   0.00    5974    9011
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:2028-17028    21  0   0.00    5434    9551
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:2550-17550    17  0   0.00    5956    9029
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:4976-19976    11  7   4.69    8382    6603
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:5677-20677    8   11  4.30    9083    5902
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:6356-21356    6   12  4.21    9762    5223
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:6548-21548    6   15  3.81    9954    5031
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:6767-21767    6   15  3.81    10173   4812
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:6769-21769    6   15  3.81    10175   4810
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:7533-22533    3   16  3.65    10939   4046
[17:01:15] DEBUG:   -lambdaGenome:7583-22583    2   16  3.65    10989   3996
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Extension: -lambdaGenome:3452-18452
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Branch index 0.00
[17:01:15] DEBUG: No extension found
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Changing direction
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Branch index 0.00
[17:01:15] DEBUG: No extension found
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Linear contig
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Made 5 extensions
[17:01:15] INFO: Assembled 0 contigs
[17:01:15] INFO: Generating contig sequences
[17:01:15] INFO: Running Blasr
[17:01:15] DEBUG: Reading contigs file
ERROR, Fail to load FASTA file /gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/lambda/abruijn/out/draft_assembly.fasta to virtual memory.
[17:01:15] ERROR: While running blasr: Command '['blasr', 'reads.37x.bedtools.fasta', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/lambda/abruijn/out/draft_assembly.fasta', '-bestn', '1', '-minMatch', '15', '-maxMatch', '25', '-m', '5', '-nproc', '1', '-out', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/lambda/abruijn/out/alignment.m5']' returned non-zero exit status 1
[17:01:15] ERROR: Error: Error in alignment module, exiting
JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Then again -- it just worked with ecoli data downloaded here:

wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/tb78i5i3nrvm6rg/m140913_050931_42139_c100713652400000001823152404301535_s1_p0.1.subreads.fasta
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6wwpn40gedj470/m140913_050931_42139_c100713652400000001823152404301535_s1_p0.2.subreads.fasta
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/j61j2cvdxn4dx4g/m140913_050931_42139_c100713652400000001823152404301535_s1_p0.3.subreads.fasta

Well it got this far so far anyway:

[17:46:09] INFO: Running ABruijn
[17:46:09] INFO: Assembling reads
[17:46:35] INFO: Indexing kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[18:43:09] INFO: Indexing kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[18:51:41] INFO: Building read index
[18:52:49] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[19:49:51] INFO: Extending reads
[19:52:36] INFO: Assembled 1 contigs
[19:52:36] INFO: Generating contig sequences
[19:52:44] INFO: Running Blasr
[19:59:19] INFO: Chosen 'pacbio' polishing profile
[19:59:19] INFO: Separating draft genome into bubbles
JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

The ecoli run finished successfully.

Why do you think the toy lambda stuff didnt work?

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago


Thanks for the feedback!

The syntenic dataset is likely not working because of an over-simplistic filtration rule for contigs that are too short. I will fix this shortly.

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

It should be fixed now, please check the new version.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I just installed the latest git code. Looks like I get the same error:

[16:50:26] INFO: Running Blasr
ERROR, Fail to load FASTA file /gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/lamda/draft_assembly.fasta to virtual memory.
[16:50:26] ERROR: While running blasr: Command '['blasr', '/users/jurban/scratch/male-ilmn/lambda/abruijn/reads.fasta', '/gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/lamda/draft_assembly.fasta', '-bestn', '1', '-minMatch', '15', '-maxMatch', '25', '-m', '5', '-nproc', '1', '-out', '/gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/lamda/alignment.m5']' returned non-zero exit status 1
[16:50:26] ERROR: Error: Error in alignment module, exiting

Also, in case it is helpful, I noticed if you do:

./ABruijn/abruijn.py reads.fasta lamda 37

…but there is no such file as "reads.fasta", rather than failing with a helpful message, it will just hang at:

[16:51:26] INFO: Running ABruijn
[16:51:26] INFO: Assembling reads
JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Well it did just run for Lambda on a new set of randomly generated reads… so perhaps the first set I tried today was just bad somehow…

I think we can close this issue if you'd like.

Thanks for the help. I have it working on Ecoli and 1 lambda example so far.

I tried running it on a 300 Mb genome with ~40X coverage. It exceeded the 100 GB of memory I set for it (using SLURM), so the job was canceled. I will try 200 GB next. Do you have a feel for the memory requirements I might need?

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Could you also post the log file for the case when it hanged?

For the large genomes, the current version is quite inefficient in terms of memory, but we are working on this. I expect we will have an optimized version shorty and I will let you now, when it's ready.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I can get it to hang with literally any string in the reads position -- e.g.:

abruijn.py nonexistent.fasta ecoli 220
abruijn.py --debug 12345 makethisdirforme 10

The log just looks like (no extra info with --debug):

[17:53:38] root: INFO: Running ABruijn
[17:53:38] root: INFO: Assembling reads
-----------Begin assembly log------------
[17:53:38] DEBUG: Reading FASTA
JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I look forward to the optimized version -- I have at least 500 GB I can throw at it for now. Hopefully that will be enough. Otherwise, I eagerly await the new code.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Will the new memory-efficient version be ready within 1-2 weeks? Or is it longer-term than that?

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

It is almost ready, we expect to release in a day or two.

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

The new version is the master branch, fell free to try it. For a 150M genome with 60x coverage it took about 150Gb of memory and ~3 days of running on 16 cores. For your dataset, the numbers should be relatively similar.

Let us know how it goes, and thanks for the valuable feedback so far!

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Downloading -- will try running tonight.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I have commit dc209ee6b18db7961e7df4ec74f819a15c33c92a -- seems to be the latest. It went above 200GB overnight and crashed. I will try allotting more.

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Yes, this should be the latest version. Probably, it might take about 200-250-Gb.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Yeah I increased to 300 GB. It has been running nearly 12 hours I think, and is further than it was last night:

## SLURM PROLOG ###############################################################
##    Job ID : 12795572
##  Job Name : abruijn-sciara
##  Nodelist : smp011
##      CPUs : 
##  Mem/Node : 307200 MB
## Directory : /gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn
##   Started : Wed Jun 15 05:32:30 EDT 2016
module: loading 'blasr/2015Oct22-8cc8621'
[05:32:32] INFO: Running ABruijn
[05:32:32] INFO: Assembling reads
[05:41:52] INFO: Counting kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[06:21:31] INFO: Counting kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[10:29:30] INFO: Building kmer index
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 
JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Hi again,

It is up to this step:

[05:32:32] INFO: Running ABruijn
[05:32:32] INFO: Assembling reads
[05:41:52] INFO: Counting kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[06:21:31] INFO: Counting kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[10:29:30] INFO: Building kmer index
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[20:14:04] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

There are only 15 hours left in the allotted time I gave it. I hope it finishes. Having said that, would it be sensible to have the option of storing intermediate files to be able to use later to continue from a later step? e.g. files from counting kmers and/or a kmer index file. That would be great if I could do:

abruijn.py reads.fasta out 42 -t 32 --continue


abruijn.py reads.fasta out -t 32 --kind kmerindex.file

feature request?

Anyway hopefully this finishes so I can let you know how it went. Otherwise, more waiting for the next run.

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Yes, overlap step is usually the most time consuming - the rest should take 30-60 minutes at most. And storing intermediate information is the part of our future plans (as well as other performance optimizations).

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Well, in 48 hours with 300 GB RAM and 32 CPU, it made it to:

[20:14:04] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

I am starting over with the same parameters, but allotting 7 days.

Regarding your comment that everything should be faster after the overlap step, this did not appear to be true for a test ecoli run I did before restarting this job. Is that because of the high coverage or relatively smaller dataset or genome size?

[05:26:13] INFO: Running ABruijn
[05:26:13] INFO: Assembling reads
[05:26:21] INFO: Counting kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[05:26:42] INFO: Counting kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[05:27:31] INFO: Building kmer index
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[05:29:14] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[05:30:53] INFO: Extending reads
[05:30:58] INFO: Assembled 1 contigs
[05:30:58] INFO: Generating contig sequences
[05:31:00] INFO: Running Blasr
[05:33:14] INFO: Chosen 'pacbio' polishing profile
[05:33:14] INFO: Separating draft genome into bubbles
[05:42:57] INFO: Polishing draft assembly
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 

It is still going.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I should clarify that the polishing step on that ecoli assembly started at 5:42 and was only 40% done ~5:56 when I wrote the comment. For the ecoli assembly, polishing seems to be the most time-consuming step (>>14 minutes), followed by the "separating the draft genome into bubbles" step (~10 minutes). All other steps combined were done in < 10 minutes.

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago


Yes, I think I might underestimated time that polishing might take. It is more sensitive to the coverage, than genome size, but still it could be expensive as well.

The good thing is that after you got a draft assembly, you always can restart from the polishing step (I'll make a fix to make it more convenient).

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Resuming at the polishing step if necessary would be a fantastic addition to Abruijn. Looking forward to it.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

The draft assembly did pretty well. It ultimately was killed in the polishing step for exceeding memory allocation:

## SLURM PROLOG ###############################################################
##    Job ID : 12809901
##  Job Name : abruijn
##  Nodelist : smp010
##      CPUs : 
##  Mem/Node : 307200 MB
## Directory : /gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn
##   Started : Fri Jun 17 06:38:22 EDT 2016
module: loading 'blasr/2015Oct22-8cc8621'
[06:38:23] INFO: Running ABruijn
[06:38:23] INFO: Assembling reads
[06:47:45] INFO: Counting kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[07:14:33] INFO: Counting kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[11:18:22] INFO: Building kmer index
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[20:41:26] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[18:36:37] INFO: Extending reads
[18:51:32] INFO: Assembled 746 contigs
[18:51:32] INFO: Generating contig sequences
[19:10:03] INFO: Running Blasr
[09:52:32] INFO: Chosen 'pacbio' polishing profile
[09:52:32] INFO: Separating draft genome into bubbles
[20:54:21] INFO: Polishing draft assembly
0% 10% 20% 30% [15:07:59] ERROR: Error: Error while running polish binary: Command '['abruijn-polish', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn/sciara/bubbles.fasta', '/gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/ABruijn/resource/pacbio_substitutions.mat', '/gpfs_home/jurban/software/abruijn/ABruijn/resource/pacbio_homopolymers.mat', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn/sciara/consensus.fasta', '-t', '32']' returned non-zero exit status -9
slurmstepd: Exceeded step memory limit at some point.

If interested, it took 4 days and 8.5 hours to get up to that point -- ~139.3 days of CPU time.

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Interesting, it looks like polishing is also a bottleneck for large genomes. However, I think the memory issue should be easy to optimize. I will provide an updated version shortly (also with resuming capabilities).

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago


It took us a bit more than I expected, but the new version is ready. Now polishing takes significantly less memory and is faster (however, there might be some peaks in memory usage, especially in the end).

To restart your assembly, you need to do the following: (1) rename "alignment.m5" file to "blasr_1.m5" and (2) create "abruijn.save" file with the following contents: {"error_profile": "", "stage_name": "alignment", "stage_id": 1} Then, run ABruijn as previously, but with an extra "--resume" option.

Also, now we have two polishing iterations by default - the second usually brings some additional corrections, but their number is minor (comparing to the first iteration). So, you might want to run with "--iterations 1" option to save time.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I just re-submitted to the cluster. It looks like it will start tomorrow some time. I'll keep you updated.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Question about Abruijn: What will it do with really bad reads? Ignore them? For example, some nanopore reads are garbage -- e.g. just a nanopore rattling off random signal that is then basecalled. An assembler like Canu will discard the garbage reads in the correction steps since they are not supported. I am wondering if they are automatically discarded in some way using Abruijn or if it tries to force their incorporation somehow.

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

We do not have an explicit step to discard garbage reads, but reads without significant overlaps with other reads will be ignored during contig assembly.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

update: It has been running for a little over 48 hours. The current messages are:

[06:49:13] INFO: Running ABruijn
[06:49:13] INFO: Resuming previous run
[06:52:16] INFO: Chosen 'pacbio' polishing profile
[06:52:16] INFO: Separating draft genome into bubbles
[13:34:38] INFO: Correcting bubbles
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 

The messages have not been updated for ~42 hours (i.e. above is all I have seen for that long). I am just making sure that is normal. I have been wondering if its frozen in some loop or something at the end of bubble correcting. Can I ask for some type of message that comes after "100%" of correcting bubbles in a future update e.g. … is it still correcting bubbles? or doing something else now?

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Yes, we noticed that percentage counter performs incorrectly on large datasets.

A 100% way to check how much work is left is to look on files at the working directory: "consensus_1.fasta" should increase over time, and its final size should be approximately 20-30% larger than "draft_assembly.fasta"

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago
[06:49:13] INFO: Running ABruijn
[06:49:13] INFO: Resuming previous run
[06:52:16] INFO: Chosen 'pacbio' polishing profile
[06:52:16] INFO: Separating draft genome into bubbles
[13:34:38] INFO: Correcting bubbles
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[15:37:24] INFO: Done! Your assembly is in file: /gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn/sciara/polished_1.fasta


Amazing. Great program. Can't wait to take a look at the assembly. :)

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Great! Let me know how it goes :)

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I hope all is well. Recently, I have been messing around with the latest ABruijn code. It requires more memory than previously at the correcting bubbles step -- close to 400GB max so far.

I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on input reads -- should they be quality filtered at all or should there be minimum read lengths? Also, I was planning to further polish with Quiver and Pilon. Have you messed around with further polishing at all?

What could be useful for end users like me is having the option of breaking ABruijn up into steps (e.g. counting and indexing kmers, finding overlaps, assembling, polishing, bubble detection/correction,..) and noting which steps can be parallelized and roughly the memory required by each step (even if just put in approximate percentages of max mem needed throughout all steps). This way I can submit batch jobs that don't require hogging all my resources (e.g. 500 GB RAM, 32 threads) for several days, making it impossible to do much other work during that time. If there are steps that don't use the 32 threads and use much less memory, that would be good to know. I could then run those steps individually with lower resource requests. Are there any plans for something like that?

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Are you using one from the master branch? It might be that we started to split bubbles in a bit more conservative way, so they tend to be longer and consume more memory. Anyway, we are planning to work on reducing memory consumption of polishing algorithm in the future.

We did not do any read filtering on our datasets. If you filter out short reads (say less than 10-15k) it might help to improve running time/memory, but should not affect the assembly very much. Of course, for polishing the more coverage you have, the more accurate the final assembly would be. Yes, we have tried to run Quiver over our polished assembly and it usually improves the quality a bit.

I think this might be a good idea to have a possibility to run parts of the pipeline separately - I will add command line options for that. I think, the most of the current bottlenecks are already parallel, but yes, there are some that are still run in a single thread (which could be improved).

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I am using the latest master commit.

I can handle the large memory need, though I look forward to your updates that reduce memory consumption -- just thought I'd update you on what I was seeing. Even though I can technically handle the large memory required in that step, it means I need to strategize how I submit jobs to our cluster (run by SLURM). I could submit a job that requests 500 GB, 32 threads for several days, for example. This would let the ABruijn run finish uninterrupted. However, this is extremely wasteful of the resources if most of the ABruijn run doesn't actually need all those resources. It means those resources are sequestered for the ABruijn job, and that no one can access them until it ends. It affects me more b/c it means I max out the amount of RAM resources I am allowed to request at any time. So it means that any other job I submit during the run has to wait until it ends. My work around has been to submit the ABruijn job with requesting fewer resources (e.g. 300 GB RAM), and letting it go until it exceeds the memory limit and is killed by SLURM. Then I request more RAM and use --resume. Being able to submit each step individually with appropriate resources would make more sense than planning for it to fail. If/when you break it up into steps, I could actually set up a dependency chain that automatically submits the next step when the current step successfully finishes (similar to Canu and Falcon strategies).

Thanks for telling me your experience with Quiver and read filtering. It is interesting that removing reads shorter than 10-15k would not affect the assembly much -- since 10-15k reads are pretty long by most standards. In the future I will have to toy around with this, as it would of course be useful to define a length cutoff based on coverage to reduce the resources required and still get essentially the same assembly. Do you already have an idea of what is the min coverage from the longest reads that one would need to do this?

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Do you think the following is just a not-enough-memory error:

[14:07:09] INFO: Running ABruijn
[14:07:09] INFO: Assembling reads
[14:18:30] INFO: Counting kmers (1/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[15:15:43] INFO: Counting kmers (2/2):
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[21:23:15] INFO: Building kmer index
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[10:00:24] INFO: Finding overlaps:
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 
[10:18:47] INFO: Extending reads
[15:59:49] INFO: Assembled 527 contigs
[15:59:49] INFO: Generating contig sequences
[16:21:09] WARNING: No jump found! -m131208_162217_42177R_c100597222550000001823102305221423_s1_p0/138054/0_7468 : +m140111_035752_42177R_c100623072550000001823111308061464_s1_p0/116378/10930_24284
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
[19:00:38] ERROR: Error: Error in assemble binary: Command '['abruijn-assemble', '-k', '15', '-l', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn/pb_all_ont_every/sciara/abruijn.log', '-t', '32', 'data/pbont.fa', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn/pb_all_ont_every/sciara/reads_order.fasta', '67']' returned non-zero exit status -6
mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago


Thank you for sharing this, it would be useful for the future working directions :) For the min coverage - I think it might depend on the genome itself. For a relatively simple bacteria (E.Coli, for example) seems that 40x-50x is usually enough. If bacteria has a sophisticated repeat structure, you might need more reads just in case (sometimes 100-200x for very complicated ones).

For the last error log - it looks suspicious, assembly module should not allocate a lot of memory on that stage, so it might be a bug instead (such as allocation of 0 bytes). Did you happen to use the newest version from master for this (one that we pushed on Friday)?

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

I am using:

commit 250761bac5589d83eeb1e00e19ba7fe78cbc1738
Author: Mikhail Kolmogorov <fenderglass@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 29 17:33:43 2016 -0700

    reduced bubbles cache, new verion

This was the latest commit on github until very recently, though I can see you've been pretty busy! :)

Hmmm. Other than performance, how do you think the newer version of the code will affect the outcome (e.g. contig sizes, etc)?

mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

These improvements were mostly focused on homopolymer error correction and detection of chimeric reads. So, if you haven't seen any major problems with these, I think that your results will not change significantly with the newer version.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Well you were right -- it is likely not memory. I tried with 500 GB instead of 400 GB. Same error:

[10:43:42] INFO: Extending reads
[16:13:41] INFO: Assembled 527 contigs
[16:13:41] INFO: Generating contig sequences
[16:35:05] WARNING: No jump found! -m131208_162217_42177R_c100597222550000001823102305221423_s1_p0/138054/0_7468 : +m140111_035752_42177R_c100623072550000001823111308061464_s1_p0/116378/10930_24284
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
[19:08:45] ERROR: Error: Error in assemble binary: Command '['abruijn-assemble', '-k', '15', '-l', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn/pb_all_ont_every/sciara/abruijn.log', '-t', '32', 'data/pbont.fa', '/gpfs/scratch/jurban/male-ilmn/abruijn/pb_all_ont_every/sciara/reads_order.fasta', '67']' returned non-zero exit status -6
mikolmogorov commented 8 years ago

Please try the new version, most likely it should be fixed now.

Also, we've made some performance improvements - mostly everything is now parallel (except some relatively small parts that are harder to parallelize). Also, I expect polishing stage to consume less memory on large genomes now (but it needs to be checked, though). Finally, if you still want to run assembly separate from polishing, you may use a combination of --iterations 0 / --resume.

JohnUrban commented 8 years ago

Will do - thanks.