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Delete account button doesn't work (not coded to do anything) #528

Open 825i opened 5 months ago

825i commented 5 months ago

This button on your account settings does absolutely nothing:


3 different browsers, one with no extensions and nothing happens.

Going by the page source, it looks like this button isn't actually even coded to do anything. What on earth kind of laziness is this?


Please actually ensure that it works.

EDIT: The "Open Design Palette" also does nothing.

TheCactusBlue commented 5 months ago

Really sorry for this; The auth server is going through a rewrite, and I failed to hook that up again.

Sorry that I haven't been able to maintain the project more frequently within the past month; I have been just going through a bunch of personal issues. I should be back soon though.

If you need your account deleted in the meanwhile, please email cactus [at] mikoto [dot] io with the email account associated with your account and I will delete it manually.