miksturait / cucumber_fm-plugin

Help to manage with big amount of features in project (gui for rails)
MIT License
96 stars 2 forks source link

/documentation/features #1

Closed alkema closed 12 years ago

alkema commented 14 years ago

I installed as an Engine and the above URL just hangs indeterminately.

cs3b commented 14 years ago

This version is not stable - it works for specific environment ( rails 2.3.8, there is directory of features in rails root ) - and installed like this should work.

To be sure it would be nice if you will give more information about, ruby and rails version and rails logs that show the exception would be very helpful

kristianmandrup commented 13 years ago

I tried to install the plugin in a rails 3.0.3 app.

$ rails plugin install git://github.com/cs3b/cucumber_fm.git $ gem install diff-lcs

But when I access


The server just hangs forever.... no error messages, nothing displayed in the browser. Any ideas? I am using mongrel --pre and ruby 1.9.3-head

cs3b commented 13 years ago

hmn, don't know.

i have made simple test ( ruby 1.9.2, rails 3.0.3 ) and it works (below commands) rails --version Rails 3.0.3

ruby --version 
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-linux]

rails new cucumber_fm_test_rails3
cd cucumber_fm_test_rails3
# adding diff-lcs to Gemfile && bundle install
rails plugin install git://github.com/cs3b/cucumber_fm.git
mkdir features
rails s 
# it use webrick that comes along with ruby

do application start correctly?

i will try to check it with 1.9.3 and mongrel2 ( from what i understand you are using )

kristianmandrup commented 13 years ago

Hmm, there is actually a minor issue with json and ruby 1.9.3.


I will out your commands with a fresh and clean Rails 3 app ASAP

kristianmandrup commented 13 years ago

OK, it works just fine with the setup you provided and an empty features dir:

The following works:

  Scenario Outline: email
    Given there are "" cucumbers
    And I fill in "user_password" with ""
    And I press "Sign in"

      | email | password | action |
      |  12   |  5       |  7     |
      |  20   |  5       |  15    |

But if I add a "Then I should see ...", it never displays the table overview!

  Scenario Outline: email
    Given there are "" cucumbers
    And I fill in "user_password" with ""
    And I press "Sign in"
    Then I should see ""    

      | email | password | action |
      |  12   |  5       |  7     |
      |  20   |  5       |  15    |

Hmm, after several tries it suddenly started working, now if I fill in an extra Scenario Outline, the second outline is not shown!?

  Scenario Outline: Logging in with username
    Given there are customers
    Then I should see the customers

Haha, when I then delete the first Outline, no outlines are shown at all. Is the last Outline not valid? Is it extremely whitespace sensitive perhaps? Odd stuff!

The whole thing seems to be very unstable in my configuration.

cs3b commented 13 years ago


try update cucumber_fm source code, and let me now if it helps

kristianmandrup commented 13 years ago

Thanks :) It seems to work like a dream now :) What is the plan for a v.2 release? After New Year?

cs3b commented 13 years ago

Beginning of January 2010 is plan for 0.2.0

cs3b commented 12 years ago

January 2011 is January 2012 - it's sad but true