mikuso / ocpp-rpc

A Node.js client & server implementation of the WAMP-like RPC-over-websocket system defined in the OCPP-J protocols.
MIT License
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Error While Disconnecting from Webscoket Client #73

Open mardommah opened 4 months ago

mardommah commented 4 months ago

When trying to disconnect from websocket using postman or insomnia, always returning error like this image

mikuso commented 4 months ago

It looks like you're not handling a certain condition.

Can you provide a small sample of code which I can use to replicate the issue?

mardommah commented 4 months ago

Hello, here my code example, currently im integrating it with express js to create command initiated by central system -> charging station

rpc.js image

api.js image

server.js image

mikuso commented 4 months ago

Hi @mardommah ,

Can you please copy + paste the code so that I can try running it? I'd rather not have to re-type it.

mardommah commented 4 months ago

okay here's the code


`const express = require('express'); const serverRouter = require('./api') const rpcServer = require("./rpc")

const app = express(); app.use(serverRouter) const httpServer = app.listen(3002, 'localhost', () => { console.log("server running on 3002") });

httpServer.on('upgrade', rpcServer.handleUpgrade);



` const { RPCServer } = require('ocpp-rpc');

const rpcServer = new RPCServer({ protocols: ['ocpp1.6'], strictMode: false });

rpcServer.on('client', client => { // RPC client connected client.call('Say', Hello, ${client.identity}!);

// create a specific handler for handling Heartbeat requests
client.handle('Heartbeat', ({ params }) => {
    console.log(`Server got Heartbeat from ${client.identity}:`, params);

    // respond with the server's current time.
    return {
        currentTime: new Date().toISOString()


client.once('close', () => {
    // check that we're about to delete the correct client
    return "client disconnected"


module.exports = rpcServer `


`const express = require('express'); const rpcServer = require("./rpc")

const serverRouter = express.Router();


// when clients connect (after auth), store them in a Map based on their identity const clients = new Map();

rpcServer.on('client', client => { clients.set(client.identity, client);

// when clients disconnect, remove them from our Map
client.once('close', () => {
    // check that we're about to delete the correct client
    if (clients.get(client.identity) === client) {


serverRouter.post('/reset/:cp', async (req, res, next) => {

const cp = req.params.cp;
const client = clients.get(cp);
const result = await client.call('Reset', { type: 'Hard' });
    Status: "Success"


module.exports = serverRouter`

mikuso commented 4 months ago

Hi @mardommah ,

I wasn't able to reproduce this issue with the code you've provided. I have attempted to connect a simple client to localhost:3002 but it does not trigger the error.

Can you give me more details of how to reproduce the error you've reported, using this code?