Open Wardo82 opened 5 years ago
As the error message says, the needed operator is not implemented now. You can implement it by referencing other operator's implementation.
Hi, thanks for the quick reply! Looking at the docs i found
`node = onnx.helper.make_node( 'Gather', inputs=['data', 'indices'], outputs=['y'], axis=1, ) data = np.random.randn(5, 4, 3, 2).astype(np.float32) indices = np.array([0, 1, 3]) y = np.take(data, indices, axis=1)
expect(node, inputs=[data, indices.astype(np.int64)], outputs=[y], name='test_gather_1')`
and came up with
` @ONNXConverter.register_handler("Gather") def _convert_gather(converter: ONNXConverter, onnx_op: INodeProto): x = converter.get_variable(onnx_op.input[0]) indices = converter.get_variable(onnx_op.input[1]) axis = onnx_op.attribute[0].i
new_data =
new_indices =
y = np.take(new_data, new_indices , axis=axis)
y = ConstantVariable(y, Order(y.shape))
converter.set_variable(onnx_op.output[0], y) `
what do you think? I now get dimensionalities error: ValueError: Unification failed: Number of dimension mismatch (self.ndim) = 2 (other.ndim) = 1
Looking at the source i have this problem constantly showing up. I want to export a model from pytorch.
raise NotImplementedError("[ONNXConverter] Operator \"Gather\" is not supported yet.")