milahu / alchi

compatibility chart for personality types
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"this is too simple to be true" #18

Open milahu opened 2 years ago

milahu commented 2 years ago

false expectations

masochists being skeptical of anything "too simple"

or, people who naturally prefer the left hand path (good intention, good cause) and in school are forced to go the right hand path (good effect)

example: using algae blooms to capture CO2 from the atmosphere

The highly controversial plan to stop climate change

concept: lets dump rust (iron oxide) in our oceans to produce an algae bloom to capture CO2 from the atmosphere (fix climate change) to stimulate growth of fish (side effect: more food for us)

this idea is "too simple" because its too cheap (rich people hate this) and because "the paranoid idiots" (type 4?) are too afraid to "just do something" (risky) and rather prefer to "lets study this another hundred years" (analysis paralysis) (overthinking) (toxic passivity)

also: all the "smart" people are insulted by such simple solutions as they spend (waste) their whole lives looking for complex solutions

but then: truth is simple. lies are complex.

or: any fool can make things more complex. it takes true genius to make things "simple but effective"

and: just because you "study" something does not mean you have the natural talent for it. paradox: people who lack the natural talent for something will see that something as an "eternal mystery" they are "fascinated" by the topic, because they will never understand it but they still try ... (tragic heros, lucifers, rebels against their own nature)