Open milahu opened 6 months ago
$ ffmpeg -i src.flac -filter:a "rubberband=pitch=0.9438743126816935,rubberband=tempo=1/0.9438743126816935" dst.flac No such filter: 'rubberband'
needed for How to change pitch and tempo together, reliably with ffmpeg
workaround: use the rubberband executable note: rubberband requires files, not pipes, because it runs in 2 passes
ffmpeg -i src.flac src.wav rubberband --time 0.9438743126816935 --frequency 0.9438743126816935 src.wav dst.wav ffmpeg -i dst.wav dst.flac
use other ffmpeg filters ...
atempo to change tempo
# change tempo from 25fps to 24000/1001fps src=src.flac ffmpeg -i "$src" \ -af atempo="(24000/1001)/25" \ dst.flac
asetrate and aresample to change tempo and pitch
# change tempo and pitch from 25fps to 24000/1001fps src=src.flac streams=a:0 src_sr=$(ffprobe -loglevel error -select_streams $streams -show_entries stream=sample_rate -of default=nw=1:nk=1 "$src") dst_sr=48000 ffmpeg -i "$src" \ -af asetrate="$src_sr*(24000/1001)/25,aresample=resampler=soxr:out_sample_rate=$dst_sr" \ dst.flac
needed for How to change pitch and tempo together, reliably with ffmpeg
workaround: use the rubberband executable note: rubberband requires files, not pipes, because it runs in 2 passes
alternatives to rubberband
use other ffmpeg filters ...
to change tempoasetrate
to change tempo and pitch