milahu / solidjs-resizable-splitter-component

resizable splitter component for SolidJS
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link

Fix errors #4

Closed trusktr closed 1 year ago

trusktr commented 1 year ago

This continues from #3. This is the relevant diff (commit e22096bcd900de214308e7e411114fc1cf064d7b). The "Files changed" tab will not be helpful as it contains changes for the previous PRs.

If you merge this PR, it will merge all the other PRs.



Temporarily modify demo/src/package.json to have "solidjs-resizable-splitter-component": "file:../../", for the solidjs-resizable-splitter-component dependency so that it will use the local version of the lib rather than the outdated one from GitHub.

Then run npm run demo at the root of the repo, and the demo will use the local version of the lib.

Then see that the demo works (it previously has errors when running with the local version).