milapatel18 / B2BERP

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Application Modularization Methodology #1

Open milapatel18 opened 6 years ago

milapatel18 commented 6 years ago

How to decouple model, repository, services and frontend with MAVEN tools.

milapatel18 commented 6 years ago
  1. Create a POM project : B2BERP
  2. Create a B2BMODEL project for all Model files of ORM
  3. Create a B2BREPOSITORY project for all crud operations with application.
  4. Create a B2BSERVICES project for all complex business functions.
  5. Create a B2BFACADE project for all complex frontend JSON/OBJECT data delivery.
  6. Create a B2BWEBAPP project for frontend development.
milapatel18 commented 6 years ago

2 is Required to complete step 2