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Use inexact search for Radiobrowser #18

Open Zenith-Nadir opened 5 years ago

Zenith-Nadir commented 5 years ago

Hello Micha, I would suggest to set (in file): SHOW_BROKEN_STATIONS = as True, since BROKEN it is very often related to geo-localization, and radio-browser server is residing in Germany, and very often determines NOT WORKING (BROKEN) as False positive, while they are working in other countries (I did find couple of such cases) Another issue, is to remove "Exact" part from searches, since due to database structure "Exact" part of statements eliminates quite a number of stations choices. stations_json = request('stations/search?order=name&reverse=false&countryExact=true&country=' + str(country)) stations_json = request('stations/search?order=name&reverse=false&languageExact=true&language=' + str(language)) stations_json = request('stations/search?order=name&reverse=false&tagExact=true&tag=' + str(genre)) Very Briefly: This is a limitation of database searches, when original fields in language and tags have multiple entries, separated (delimited) by spaces or commas (this is not uniform). The "Exact" statement eliminates any LIKE '%....%' searches and cuts them off. Try for example Aboriginal Languages or Creole (there is more). I better have finding e.g. "Dari" language in Man-Dari-n (=Mandarin), or Ewe, etc, rather than nothing at all. I hope I make myself clear. Sincerely, Z-N

milaq commented 4 years ago


Thanks for reporting. I'll have a look at the station search issue you are mentioning :+1:

Regarding the broken stations: The Radiobrowser system checks the availability every night. If it can't reach the station it is marked as broken. I don't think we should list unavailable or unrealiable stations at all. This way, we lower the surface for the station and indirectly encourage station owners them to fix their stuff.
