milaq / YCast

Self hosted vTuner internet radio service emulation
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Redirect issues with RX-A1040 #21

Closed jpouyaud-perso closed 4 years ago

jpouyaud-perso commented 5 years ago


I would like to contribute with the test I did with my RX-A1040

unfortunately, this is not working.

here is the setup

DNS => nginx server (runing on a NAS synology)

DNS conf:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name *

    access_log /var/log/nginx/ycast_access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/ycast_error.log;

    location / {
        proxy_redirect  off;

        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

        proxy_pass http://localhost:8181;

The reason why I've put my RFC1918 IP add is because I've discovered my RX-A1040 set the Host field with the IP address and not the FQDN...

I'm using the release package 0.9.8 of ycast with python3

I've finally managed to get "access error" (previously I've obtained "please wait" and nothing shown in the Ycast consol)

Here are 2 pcap: one is the trace of the RX-A1040 taking with the official server on internet the second one is the trace with ycast


milaq commented 4 years ago


it seems to me that the issues you are experiencing are related to

The version you are using uses redirect by default. We disabled that later due to many users having issues with it (

Nevertheless, redirects should work if you leave the host header intact. For redirects to work properly, your AVR expects the host field to start with This seems like a security measure by the vendor.

Looking at your packet capture (thanks for that) it seems indeed like your A1040 is using as request URI host. In the second pcap I can see that your AVR is indeed using in the host field.

I know at least one other user which had a problem with his Synology NAS handling HTTP requests. Is the the Nginx service directly accessible or are you (or Synology) doing any kind of redirecting and/or filtering before it?

jpouyaud-perso commented 4 years ago

Hi Milaq well, not sure to understand well your question

the Nginx service is the native of of synology

I've just added my server/nginx in the sites-enabled config folder

if I understand well I've to check the behavior of my Nginx

jpouyaud-perso commented 4 years ago

Hi again,

looks like you are wrong with my initial pcap file

in both of the we see AVR to set host field with an IP add

the first file is when I use ycast the second file is when the AVR goes to Internet

I've just tried without success => I've also 302 but another error :

2019-09-10 14:02:46 ERROR: Unhandled upstream query (/setupapp/yamaha/asp/func/dynamOD.asp)


jpouyaud-perso commented 4 years ago


here is another trace with the official 0.9.8


still not working, but different, I've long wait on the AVR screen with some "access error" showing no content

milaq commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

the request from your AVR to the original vtuner API ( has the host header set to See

Your second capture with YCast active (and the newest one from above) has in the host header. See This will not work due to the whitelisting I explained above and in the referenced issue. Your AVR does not accept redirects from URLs other than * and just discards the answer.

You need to have in the host header. That's why I asked whether you do any kind of filtering or redirecting before Nginx. Something seems to manipulate the host header, i.e. resolve it to the IP of your Synology.

Please just use server_name *; and make sure there is nothing in between Nginx and the AVR.

milaq commented 4 years ago

Another user recommended that you can also test this by using an Iptables redirect to make sure that every packet from your AVR gets passed to YCast: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8081 (where is the IP of your AVR).

You could also stop any webserver on the machine and run YCast as root without any arguments to have it listen on port 80. Make sure to revert this change once you're done with testing. It is still not recommended to run YCast as root.

Also, where do you handle the DNS redirects? On what machine/device?

jpouyaud-perso commented 4 years ago

Hi Milaq,

please look at the whole pcap trace. you will see that the AVR start with the Host field as an IP and finish with the FQDN. I don't know why my AVR behave this way, but this is what he does is both situation (toward internet and toward my nginx/ycast)

the last trace is not representative as it's only the early beginning of the conversation

anyway, I will try the iptable PBR


milaq commented 4 years ago

It seems like your AVR first resolves correctly to and then, after an SSDP (for upnp) it caches the IP of your Synology's IP and accesses everything there with the IP instead of the hostname.

YCast formats the redirect URLs by the host header. This is why the (newer) redirects don't work correctly. It sees the host header and redirects also to that IP which your AVR does not accept because of the internal whitelist.

We either need to find out why and how this happens or hardcode the redirect URLs based on the accessed path, i.e. /setupapp/yamaha/[...] redirects to

In the meantime, you can also use the lastest dev branch which doesn't use station tracking (thus no redirects) at the moment.

jpouyaud-perso commented 4 years ago

Yes, agree with you. just a small correction ( is AVR and is the Synology/Nginx/ycast)

I will try the last dev tonight. I've already tried without success 2 days ago. I will put a trace


jpouyaud-perso commented 4 years ago

Ok, just tested the last /dev and I've some redirect 302 and also a 404

here is the trace

mnasec commented 4 years ago

Hi Jasonbarebone, i looked at the trace and could not find any real data from the ycast software, only from the reverse proxy. I am using ycast on my synology in a docker container and had problems with the nginx to forward the get requests correctly. Please be so kind and describe your setup a little bit. Personally i ended up in running ycast in a docker container and forwarded the requests with the iptable nat rule Milaq reported. This works on my platform very well and stable. CU

jpouyaud-perso commented 4 years ago

hi guys,

both of you are fully right ! I've just installed directly the ycast/dev on the mac and I'm able to listen 1970 radios !! I've some 404 but it's definitely working better

PS: the 0.9.8 was not working for me

thanks for the hint. looks like nginx was wrongly configured in my setup

I'm waiting for a Raspberry, this way it will more stable in the time


mppod commented 4 years ago


I have rx-a2010 and can confirm that this AVR also puts IP in the GET header's Host field. Consequently, the easiest way to use Nginx is to filter with /setupapp and /ycast - this works for me (the given example config does not work).

The script works great - vtuner did us great service switching itself off. ;)

milaq commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your input @mppod. I am currently working on working around the issue you are describing by filtering the access urls by vendor. That way it doesn't matter what the AVR puts into the headers.

You can track this in