milaq / YCast

Self hosted vTuner internet radio service emulation
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missing file noob question #22

Closed zofman closed 4 years ago

zofman commented 4 years ago

As a Python noob and yamaha receiver owner, i try to understand your ycast server. I am missing the file Am i doing something wrong? Zofman

emtee-bc commented 4 years ago

@zofman, I believe @milaq has substantially changed the YCast code and the way it integrates into onto server. The last instance of appears to be with the Jun 26, 2019 code commit, 4927524. Since that commit there has been a big shift in the structure of the code and the way it integrates into server. Hope this helps.


milaq commented 4 years ago

Please have a look at the readme. It's all in there:

You can run YCast by using the built-in development server of Flask (not recommended for production use, but should™ be enough for your private home use): python -m ycast

You may run this command from the YCast directory or (if you installed the package via pip) systemwide.

Since there are many questions popping up lately on how to run YCast, maybe I should ship a startscript with the Python package. I'll have a look at that.


zofman commented 4 years ago

Thank you milaq for your comment and the lovely, much needed programm! An installationscript will be much appriciated, especially for those unfamiliar with python! A lot of people have been affected by the policy of both vtuner and yamaha! Keep up the good work!