milaq / YCast

Self hosted vTuner internet radio service emulation
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Avoid ipv6 localhost attempt #27

Closed llagendijk closed 4 years ago

llagendijk commented 4 years ago

I started looking at ycast this week, it is great.

I am using ycast with nginx on a virtual machine. While trying to get it to work I noticed some errors in the NGINX error log related to IPv6 localhost connection. As ycast only seems to support ipv4 I changed the nginx config file and replaced the localhost in the proxy_pass to proxy_pass;

This avoids the (harmless) IPv6 attempts. It may be appropriate to change the sample configuration?

milaq commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for pointing this one out.

You're right, we are only listening on IPv4 addresses with listen 80; and should correctly proxy_pass to only.


I didn't notice this in the first place because the machine I've been running the tests on doesn't use a IPv6 stack.