mild-blue / txmatching

Solver for kidney pair donation matching problems.
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More match type logic #531

Closed kubantjan closed 2 years ago

kristinagalik commented 2 years ago

@kubantjan len checkovacia otazka - ono to skor asi bolo myslene pre AntibodyMatchTypes nez pre MatchType, nie? lenze potom tie dve posledne odrazky HIGH_RES_WITH_SPLIT, HIGH_RES_WITH_BROAD vedia byt asi aj pre MatchType pre zistovanie CI ci to netreba riesit?

kubantjan commented 2 years ago

@kristinagalik plese write in english, this was due to historical reasons in czech, but we want to avoid that from now on.

but to your question, it all is just about antibody match types. Lets focus on that for the moment

kubantjan commented 2 years ago

At the moment we have the following antibody match types:

High res - match at high res level, the highest and the most sure type of match

This is not good enough. Plus there are some issues: 1) both typization and antibody is in split resolution and there is match make it split resolution, not high res as it is now. 2) Add other categories: Split_from_high_res:

potom v tech kategoriich allowed crossmatch types predelat split_and_broad na to aby povolovat jen broad nebo split_with_high_res (ne split samotnej)