mildsunrise / node_netlink

⚒ Use Netlink from Node.js
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rtnetlink: how to detect that an address has been deleted successfully? #23

Open derhuerst opened 5 months ago

derhuerst commented 5 months ago

I'm using netlink@0.2.4.

For a localaddress-agent test, I'm wondering: Is there is a way to tell "deletion events" apart from other address-related events?

import _netlink from 'netlink'
const {createRtNetlink, rt} = _netlink

const rtNetlink = createRtNetlink({ref: false})
rtNetlink.on('message', msgs => console.log(...msgs))

const address = Buffer.from('fe8000000000000000000000aabb' + ('000' + Math.round(Math.random() * (16 ** 4 - 1)).toString(16)).slice(-4), 'hex')
const data = {
    family: 10, // IPv6
    prefixlen: 64,
    index: 2, // eth0
    flags: {},

console.log('assigning', address)
await rtNetlink.newAddress(data, {address})
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 3000)) // wait until address is not tentative anymore

console.log('deleting', address)
await rtNetlink.delAddress(data, {address})
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5000)) // wait for delete event?
assigning <Buffer fe 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 aa bb 8e 87>
    kind: 'address',
    data: {
        family: 10,
        prefixlen: 64,
        flags: { tentative: true, permanent: true },
        scope: 253,
        index: 2
    attrs: {
        address: <Buffer fe 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 aa bb 8e 87>,
        cacheInfo: {
            ifaPrefered: 4294967295,
            ifaValid: 4294967295,
            cstamp: 274377,
            tstamp: 274377
        flags: { tentative: true, permanent: true }
    kind: 'address',
    data: {
        family: 10,
        prefixlen: 64,
        flags: { permanent: true },
        scope: 253,
        index: 2
    attrs: {
        address: <Buffer fe 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 aa bb 8e 87>,
        cacheInfo: {
            ifaPrefered: 4294967295,
            ifaValid: 4294967295,
            cstamp: 274377,
            tstamp: 274377
        flags: { permanent: true }
deleting <Buffer fe 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 aa bb 8e 87>
    kind: 'address',
    data: {
        family: 10,
        prefixlen: 64,
        flags: { permanent: true },
        scope: 253,
        index: 2
    attrs: {
        address: <Buffer fe 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 aa bb 8e 87>,
        cacheInfo: {
            ifaPrefered: 4294967295,
            ifaValid: 4294967295,
            cstamp: 274377,
            tstamp: 274377
        flags: { permanent: true }