miled / wordpress-social-login

WordPress Social Login
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[ Google ] Hybridauth config does not exist on the given path. #310

Closed gonzalesc closed 3 years ago

gonzalesc commented 5 years ago

Hi Im using the last version 3.x and when I do login with Google, but when it return from Google, it show this message.

Hybridauth config does not exist on the given path.

I see this error is set in hybridauth/library/src/Hybridauth.php

The wsl_get_provider_config_from_session_storage() funtcion is send a empty variable because the SESSION variable is not defined

function wsl_get_provider_config_from_session_storage($provider)
    $provider = strtolower($provider);

    if(isset($_SESSION['wsl:' . $provider . ':config']))
        return (array) $_SESSION['wsl:' . $provider . ':config'];

Some idea please? ss

jmeler commented 4 years ago

Hi @gonzalesc, did you find a solution for this error?