miled / wordpress-social-login

WordPress Social Login
MIT License
399 stars 235 forks source link

ERROR 410 #313

Closed SylvanoTombo closed 3 years ago

SylvanoTombo commented 5 years ago

I am having major issues with this error:

You cannot access this page directly. The only weird thing I am seeing is that my port (2222), is appearing in the logs 2x. While I do not believe this is the exact issue, I have been unable to locate where this would be coming from.

Log output: c26d87d7b8a721de7697e1ba83543e30 -- 28-11-2017 19:41:14 -- my_ip -- Facebook -- 0 -- wsl_process_login -- -- c26d87d7b8a721de7697e1ba83543e30 -- 28-11-2017 19:41:14 -- my_ip -- Facebook -- 0 -- wsl_process_login_begin_start -- -- c26d87d7b8a721de7697e1ba83543e30 -- 28-11-2017 19:41:14 -- my_ip -- Facebook -- 0 -- wsl_process_login -- -- c26d87d7b8a721de7697e1ba83543e30 -- 28-11-2017 19:41:14 -- my_ip -- Facebook -- 0 -- wsl_process_login_begin_start -- -- c26d87d7b8a721de7697e1ba83543e30 -- 28-11-2017 19:41:14 -- my_ip -- Facebook -- 0 -- wsl_hook_process_login_before_hybridauth_authenticate -- --

Debug output:

SQL Queries

SAVEQUERIES should be defined and set to TRUE in order for the queries to show up ( Calls for get_option() don't necessarily result on a query to the database. WP use both cache and wp_load_alloptions() to load all options at once. Hence, it won't be shown here. Total SQL Queries by WSL : 0 0.0000 Hooks plugins_loaded wsl_load_plugin_textdomain 10 1 init wsl_process_login 10 1

PHP Session wsl::plugin WordPress Social Login 2.3.3 HA::STORE Array ( [hauth_session.facebook.is_logged_in] => i:1; [hauth_session.facebook.token.access_token] => s:221:"EAAcok2ZBmdskBAFOoRiaZA09B5JtZBkoOrNRZCAoz0xTTHLmiZCyFylZAQceZAqIHaGsV1kZBQJkd7ZBZCEw1xywfKTz2ZBz9dpDv4LIEbLcgM4vBgBGsJZC1KLvnCVlo4ZCodHkoMeWmZCglM6qiL5f1y3GZBwhMQ7SZB8nVvJZAcWDVlQeFMR0YkWxnPGM3O4mLuCZBqXWG4xKQ7iwyUXQZDZD"; ) HA::CONFIG Array ( [version] => s:14:"2.4.1-wsl-fork"; [config] => a:2:{s:8:"base_url";s:94:"";s:9:"providers";a:1:{s:8:"Facebook";a:5:{s:7:"enabled";b:1;s:4:"keys";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:16:"2014938535458505";s:3:"key";N;s:6:"secret";s:32:"198b6fb26a7d17f8f98330fc50875f22";}s:5:"scope";s:35:"email, public_profile, user_friends";s:7:"display";s:4:"page";s:14:"trustForwarded";b:1;}}} ) wsl::userprofile Array ( ) FBRLH_state

Wordpress Version 4.8.2 Multi-site No Site url Home url Plugins url

WSL Version 2.3.3 Plugin path /home//wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-login/ Plugin url HA endpoint