miled / wordpress-social-login

WordPress Social Login
MIT License
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WSL end-points working but giving false positive in WSL Diagnostics #332

Closed jimi008 closed 3 years ago

jimi008 commented 4 years ago

10-15-2019 11-03-21 AM

In WSL version 3.0.1 when diagnostics page checked its shows 'WSL end-points' as 'FAIL' and throw 404 error in the console but they work fine while testing social network signup or signin. After debugging I found that the URL for WSL end-point to test in diagnostics has some issue.

e.g see screenshot above for 404 URL wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-login/hybridauth/callbacks/.php?

It should be


Code below is changing the URL and also giving 403 forbidden error while testing the end-point

Commenting these lines fix the issue and WSL end-points test now Pass

jimi008 commented 4 years ago

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