milesj / packemon

📦 Build and prepare packages for npm distribution using standardized configurations and practices. Gotta pack 'em all!
MIT License
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Declarations not included and Types not satisifed by inclusion of src (broken sourcemaps) #250

Closed BinToss closed 4 months ago

BinToss commented 5 months ago

None of Packemon's Types are visible to other packages. Release 4.0.1 does not include declaration files. Because Types.ts is a glorified declarations file, its MJS output has no code and its sourcemap is broken. {"version":3,"file":"types.mjs","sources":[],"sourcesContent":null,"names":[],"mappings":""}

Consequently, import type { ConfigFile } from 'packemon'; (as demonstrated at,JavaScript) is invalid.

Could not find a declaration file for module 'packemon'. 
'c:/Repos/HaloSPV3/HCE.Shared/node_modules/packemon/mjs/index.mjs' implicitly has an 'any' type.
  Try `npm i --save-dev @types/packemon` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'packemon';`

Types can be explicitly imported via the relative path of src/Types.ts, but this can result in error TS1484 when TS is configured with compilerOptions.verbatimModuleSyntax. This issue is monitored at #249.

BinToss commented 4 months ago

I wonder if changing types.ts to types.d.ts would fix the issue...

milesj commented 4 months ago

This'll be fixed by Will close for now.

BinToss commented 4 months ago

This may need further investigation. The only typed import is import { Filesystem } from 'packemon'. The same applies to type-only imports. Just Filesystem. Node's REPL indicates packemon exports the following.

 hce.shared-config  node
Welcome to Node.js v22.2.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> let x = await import('packemon')
> x
[Module: null prototype] {
    '.css',  '.scss', '.sass',
    '.less', '.svg',  '.png',
    '.jpg',  '.jpeg', '.gif',
    '.webp', '.ogg',  '.mp3',
    '.mpe',  '.mpeg', '.wav',
    '.mp4',  '.mov',  '.avi',
    '.webm', '.woff', '.woff2',
  Artifact: [class Artifact],
    '.svg',  '.png',   '.jpg',
    '.jpeg', '.gif',   '.webp',
    '.ogg',  '.mp3',   '.mpe',
    '.mpeg', '.wav',   '.mp4',
    '.mov',  '.avi',   '.webm',
    '.woff', '.woff2', '.ttf'
    legacy: [ '>=0.10%', 'not IE 11' ],
    stable: [ 'defaults', 'not IE 11' ],
    current: [ '>=1%', 'not dead' ],
    experimental: [ 'last 2 chrome versions', 'last 2 firefox versions' ]
  BaseCommand: [class BaseCommand extends Command] {
    options: {
      cwd: [Object],
      debug: [Object],
      formats: [Object],
      loadConfigs: [Object],
      platforms: [Object],
      quiet: [Object],
      skipPrivate: [Object]
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'BaseCommand'
  BuildCommand: [class BuildCommand extends BaseCommand] {
    options: {
      addEngines: [Object],
      addExports: [Object],
      addFiles: [Object],
      concurrency: [Object],
      declaration: [Object],
      timeout: [Object],
      stamp: [Object]
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'BuildCommand',
    path: 'build',
    description: 'Build a standardized package for distribution'
  BuildWorkspaceCommand: [class BuildWorkspaceCommand extends BuildCommand] {
    options: { filter: [Object] },
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'BuildWorkspaceCommand',
    path: 'build-workspace',
    description: 'Build all packages across the workspace'
  CleanCommand: [class CleanCommand extends BaseCommand] {
    path: 'clean',
    description: 'Clean build artifacts from a package'
  DEFAULT_FORMATS: { browser: 'esm', electron: 'esm', native: 'esm', node: 'mjs' },
  DEFAULT_INPUT: 'src/index.ts',
  DEFAULT_PLATFORM: 'browser',
  DEFAULT_SUPPORT: 'stable',
    legacy: '11.0.0',
    stable: '16.0.0',
    current: '21.0.0',
    experimental: '26.0.0'
    '.ts',  '.tsx',
    '.cts', '.mts',
    '.js',  '.jsx',
    '.cjs', '.mjs'
  FORMATS: [ 'lib', 'esm', 'umd', 'mjs', 'cjs' ],
  FORMATS_BROWSER: [ 'lib', 'esm', 'umd' ],
  FORMATS_ELECTRON: [ 'lib', 'esm' ],
  FORMATS_NATIVE: [ 'lib', 'esm' ],
  FORMATS_NODE: [ 'lib', 'mjs', 'cjs' ],
  FilesCommand: [class FilesCommand extends BaseCommand] {
    options: { format: [Object] },
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'FilesCommand',
    path: 'files',
    description: 'List all files that will be distributed within a package'
  InitCommand: [class InitCommand extends BaseCommand] {
    options: { force: [Object] },
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'InitCommand',
    path: 'init',
    description: 'Initialize and configure a package for Packemon'
    legacy: 'iOS 14',
    stable: 'iOS 15',
    current: 'iOS 16',
    experimental: 'iOS 17'
    legacy: '16.12.0',
    stable: '18.12.0',
    current: '20.10.0',
    experimental: '21.6.0'
    legacy: '8.1.0',
    stable: '8.19.0',
    current: '10.0.0',
    experimental: '10.4.0'
  PLATFORMS: [ 'native', 'electron', 'node', 'browser' ],
  PackCommand: [class PackCommand extends BuildCommand] {
    path: 'pack',
    description: 'Clean, build, and validate a package for distribution'
  PackWorkspaceCommand: [class PackWorkspaceCommand extends BuildWorkspaceCommand] {
    path: 'pack-workspace',
    description: 'Clean, build, and validate all packages across the workspace'
  Package: [class Package],
  PackageValidator: [class PackageValidator] {
    entryPoints: [
      'main',    'module',
      'browser', 'types',
      'typings', 'bin',
  Packemon: [class Packemon],
  STATE_COLORS: { pending: 'muted', passed: 'success', failed: 'failure' },
  SUPPORTS: [ 'legacy', 'stable', 'current', 'experimental' ],
  SUPPORT_PRIORITY: { legacy: 0, stable: 1, current: 2, experimental: 3 },
    legacy: 'es2019',
    stable: 'es2020',
    current: 'es2021',
    experimental: 'es2022'
  ScaffoldCommand: [class ScaffoldCommand extends Command] {
    options: {
      force: [Object],
      packageManager: [Object],
      packagesFolder: [Object],
      skipInstall: [Object],
      template: [Object]
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'ScaffoldCommand',
    params: [ [Object] ],
    path: 'scaffold',
    description: 'Scaffold projects and packages with ease'
  TEXT_ASSETS: [ '.css', '.scss', '.sass', '.less' ],
  ValidateCommand: [class ValidateCommand extends BaseCommand] {
    options: {
      deps: [Object],
      engines: [Object],
      entries: [Object],
      license: [Object],
      links: [Object],
      meta: [Object],
      people: [Object],
      repo: [Object]
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'ValidateCommand',
    path: 'validate',
    description: 'Validate package metadata and configuration'
  WatchCommand: [class WatchCommand extends BaseCommand] {
    options: { debounce: [Object], poll: [Object] },
    hasRegisteredOptions: 'WatchCommand',
    path: 'watch',
    description: 'Watch local files for changes and rebuild'
  getBabelInputConfig: [Function: getBabelInputConfig],
  getBabelOutputConfig: [Function: getBabelOutputConfig],
  getRollupConfig: [AsyncFunction: getRollupConfig],
  getRollupExternals: [Function: getRollupExternals],
  getRollupOutputConfig: [Function: getRollupOutputConfig],
  getSwcInputConfig: [Function: getSwcInputConfig],
  getSwcOutputConfig: [Function: getSwcOutputConfig]
milesj commented 4 months ago

@BinToss I think I need export type * from './types'; instead of export * from './types';. But that seems... weird.