Closed SergeR closed 11 years ago
It looks like it fails because AttachedFile::$foreignModel
is empty when delete is called. You need to set it to the value of what it was when the file was saved.
preperty holds the name of currenly linked model. It's just for set a 'model' field of AttachedFile
'magically' when saving. This value stored in the separate fied ('model'). I think I need to set the 'uploadDir' properly before deleting.
Yeah. The AttachmentBehavior
calls protected methos _deleteFile()
, and
$basepath = $attachment['uploadDir'] : $attachment['tempDir'];
//file to delete
$file = new File($basepath . basename($path));
So the change of uploadDir
before deleting may help.
Place a debug($options)
in beforeUpload()
to see if the uploadDir is correct?
Initially 'uploadDir' points to document_root/files/.
In the beforeUpload
method I change it to the other value (document_root/files/Exposition/). The filename in database stored as /files/Exposition/image.jpg
. After uploading file is placed in the appropriate directory. Upload process works fine, without any problems.
When I try to call a delete()
method, row in the db table is deleted but file remains in the directory. I can't (or I don't know how to) set uploadDir
before delete.
A test for my model.
* AttachedFileFixture
class AttachedFileFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
* Fields
* @var array
public $fields = array(
'id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => false, 'default' => null, 'key' => 'primary'),
'model' => array('type' => 'string', 'null' => false, 'default' => null, 'length' => 100, 'key' => 'index', 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8'),
'foreign_id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => false, 'default' => null),
'image' => array('type' => 'string', 'null' => false, 'default' => null, 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'charset' => 'utf8'),
'indexes' => array(
'PRIMARY' => array('column' => 'id', 'unique' => 1),
'model' => array('column' => array('model', 'foreign_id'), 'unique' => 0)
'tableParameters' => array('charset' => 'utf8', 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'engine' => 'InnoDB')
* Records
* @var array
public $records = array(
'id' => 1,
'model' => 'Exposition',
'foreign_id' => 1,
'image' => '/files/Exposition/test'
App::uses('AttachedFile', 'Model');
App::uses('File', 'Utility');
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
define('UPLOAD_DIR', TMP . DS . 'files' . DS);
* AttachedFile Test Case
class AttachedFileTest extends CakeTestCase {
public $fixtures = array(
public function setUp() {
$this->AttachedFile = ClassRegistry::init('AttachedFile');
public function tearDown() {
public function testDelete()
//Create directories
$folder = new Folder(UPLOAD_DIR . 'Exposition', TRUE, 0777);
// Create a file as in the fixture's image field
$file = new File(UPLOAD_DIR . 'Exposition' .DS . 'test', TRUE);
$file->write('Foo and Bar');
$delResult = $this->AttachedFile->delete(1);
$this->assertTrue($delResult, 'Model delete method fail');
// Is record deleted?
$findRes = $this->AttachedFile->findById(1);
$this->assertEmpty($findRes, 'Record not deleted');
$this->assertFalse($file->exists(), 'File not deleted!');
Like I mentioned before, you need to set $foreignModel
before you delete.
$this->AttachedFile->foreignModel = 'Exposition';
$delResult = $this->AttachedFile->delete(1);
:) Sorry. You're right, it works.
I'm not sure if that is an issue. I try to generate dynamic paths, it works, but files aren't deleted after delete() method call.
The attached_files table:
Example of model, that has many images.:
The model AttachedFile with Uploader behavior:
When I call the delete() method of Exposition model to delete the record (that has no children):
the rows in the AttachedFile model are deleted, but the files in the /files/Exposition directory aren't