I have a Parse app, accessing a MongoDB backend hosted by ObjectRocket, and I am using the parse-server-example node app hosted by Heroku.
I have a script using this python package to update a file attribute in a record on the server.
When I run the script and set the PARSE_API_ROOT to the original api.parse address, it all works fine. When I run the SAME script, but with PARSE_API_ROOT set to my heroku parse-server code, the resulting file attribute cannot be accessed (with a response of code: AccessDenied). Other attributes are modified by the script and these don't complain (strings, numbers etc).
But File attributes all become inaccessible.
I am using the latest parse-server-example code as of posting date and the latest ParsePy.
I'm hoping someone reading this will be able to suggest possible reasons why or otherwise be helpful - I don't strictly know that this is a bug with this package, apologies if not.
I have a Parse app, accessing a MongoDB backend hosted by ObjectRocket, and I am using the parse-server-example node app hosted by Heroku.
I have a script using this python package to update a file attribute in a record on the server.
When I run the script and set the PARSE_API_ROOT to the original api.parse address, it all works fine. When I run the SAME script, but with PARSE_API_ROOT set to my heroku parse-server code, the resulting file attribute cannot be accessed (with a response of code: AccessDenied). Other attributes are modified by the script and these don't complain (strings, numbers etc). But File attributes all become inaccessible. http://prnt.sc/aymhv5
I am using the latest parse-server-example code as of posting date and the latest ParsePy.
I'm hoping someone reading this will be able to suggest possible reasons why or otherwise be helpful - I don't strictly know that this is a bug with this package, apologies if not.