milesrichardson / ParsePy

A relatively up-to-date fork of ParsePy, the Python wrapper for the API. Originally maintained by @dgrtwo
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"Unauthorized" when using ParsePy in Script #144

Closed LaBrie13 closed 8 years ago

LaBrie13 commented 8 years ago

I have a weird issue, which just came up lately without a change in the script. What I will describe can be executed in the python console most of the times, not always. I am using self hosted parse. the code is as follows:

from parse_rest.datatypes import Function, Object, GeoPoint
import os
os.environ["PARSE_API_ROOT"] = "http://server:1337/parse"
REST_API_KEY = '###'
MASTER_KEY = '###'
from parse_rest.connection import register

id = "1234"
parseClass = Object.factory("Classname")
newObj = parseClass.Query.get(objectId = id)

by executing this I get an error: "ResourceRequestLoginRequired" , unauthorized

any idea? Your help is very much appreciated! :-)

milesrichardson commented 8 years ago


os.environ["PARSE_API_ROOT"] = "http://server:1337/parse"

at the top of the script, BEFORE you make any imports from parse_rest

You should also put the keys before the imports

The proper order is here:

so the full script would be:

import os
os.environ["PARSE_API_ROOT"] = "http://server:1337/parse"    
REST_API_KEY = '###'
MASTER_KEY = '###'

from parse_rest.datatypes import Function, Object, GeoPoint
from parse_rest.connection import register

id = "1234"
parseClass = Object.factory("Classname")
newObj = parseClass.Query.get(objectId = id)

Let me know if that fixes it

LaBrie13 commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot for your quick response! So simple, but it really saved me! :+1:

milesrichardson commented 8 years ago

no problem :)