mileszs / ack.vim

Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
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Respect splitright and splitbelow options #142

Open shanesmith opened 10 years ago

shanesmith commented 10 years ago

Fixes a bother of mine.

It does make for a more complex mapping, any suggestions to clean this up are welcome.

shanesmith commented 9 years ago


Numkil commented 9 years ago

This works as intended, I merged and tested this in ag.nvim where it worked. :+1:

ches commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I agree with fixing the general problem. The way ack.vim's mappings are implemented and configured is brittle and clumsy, I've been thinking about overhauling it along the lines of f04a8a9af3854 from #150 that isn't merged yet, taking that a bit further to probably expose some functions through Plug mappings. This is a good reminder to take splitright and splitbelow into account when working on that too.

This is probably harmless to merge in the meantime. Give me a few days to find time to do some work on ack.vim and I'll likely merge it. Thanks for your patience.

yujinyuz commented 6 years ago

@shanesmith Hi! This kinda solved my problem here at #241

(I only copied the v: part coz it's what I need right now. But the problem is that every time I open a search result, it goes to the right (as expected) but the height of the pane for search results increases. Does it happen to you too?

shanesmith commented 6 years ago

@yujinyuz there's already an issue opened for it here #150 =)

yujinyuz commented 6 years ago

@shanesmith thanks! I just thought it was just my config that got messed up.

Integralist commented 3 years ago

Seems like I was able to just apply this fix manually...

" help Ack mappings to respect my split settings
let g:ack_mappings = {
  \ "h": "<C-W><CR>:exe 'wincmd ' (&splitbelow ? 'J' : 'K')<CR><C-W>p<C-W>J<C-W>p",
  \ "v": "<C-W><CR>:exe 'wincmd ' (&splitright ? 'L' : 'H')<CR><C-W>p<C-W>J<C-W>p"}