mileszs / ack.vim

Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
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Everything turns into Wingdings #151

Closed xanderdunn closed 9 years ago

xanderdunn commented 9 years ago

Mac OSX 10.10.1. tmux 1.9a. ack.vim latest. vim 7.4.488.

When I search for certain things in certain directories, at a certain point all the ack output and even my preexisting vim buffer will turn entirely into wingding characters and everything will be completely unreadable. Screen recording.


  1. Get the source to the YouCompleteMe vim plugin and cd into the sources' directory. I just have it installed using Vundle, so I just cd into ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe.
  2. Execute:
tmux new -s test
:S info

About midway through the search messages, everything will switch to wingdings.

This is 100% reproducible for me in both vim and NeoVim. Indeed, it seems specific to using vim inside tmux. This does not occur if I use vim directly in the terminal, outside of tmux.

xanderdunn commented 9 years ago

Where I have the command S defined in my .vimrc:

:command! -nargs=+ S :Ack! "<args>"
ches commented 9 years ago

I have a somewhat similar setup (well, same tmux version at least, still on OS X 10.9 and my Vim version is a few patches behind yours, but it sounds like tmux and terminal stuff is really the heart of the matter). I opened the exact same file within tmux, ran your command definition with the same search term: no problem. Could you gist your tmux.conf?

What's the value of echo $TERM in your tmux shell versus Terminal (that's Terminal and not iTerm I believe, right?)? Perhaps also env | grep LC_.

Also what happens if you just run ag info in your shell from that directory, outside Vim?

ches commented 9 years ago

Couldn't reproduce and no further info provided, closing. Please follow up if the problem persists.

gj commented 5 years ago

Almost four years later, but this happened to me because I had

set -g default-terminal 'screen-256color'

instead of

set -g default-terminal 'xterm-256color'

in my tmux.conf, with the latter matching my actual (outside of tmux) terminal.