mileszs / ack.vim

Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
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Reloading ack.vim linking when quickfix is modifiable? #236

Open jesseleite opened 6 years ago

jesseleite commented 6 years ago

I was experimenting with setting quickfix window modifiable, so that I could use the quickfix as a refactoring checklist.

autocmd BufReadPost quickfix nested setlocal modifiable

For example, maybe I'm refactoring method parameters, and I need to search the whole project for all calls to the method and update the parameter types being passed in. Maybe I search for the method name and get 8 results. One of those results is the method definition, so I dd that line in the quickfix window to remove it from my refactoring 'checklist'. Then one by one, I open each remaining result, update the method parameters, and then dd that line from the quickfix to mark as complete. When the quickfix window is empty, I've finished my refactor.

This seems like a neat workflow on the surface, but it seems ack.vim is linking specific lines to files on load? If I dd line 1, then what was on line 2 moves up to line 1, but is still linked to the file that was previously on line 1, if that makes sense. Is it possible for ack.vim to update the file linking after modifying the quickfix buffer content?