mileszs / ack.vim

Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
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Vim with Ack and "Silver searcher" - can not open file from result panel #283

Open peshoicov opened 11 months ago

peshoicov commented 11 months ago

I am on Windows and use git-bash. I have vim (the default one that comes with git-bash) with several plugins installed via vim-plug.

When I use :Ag ... to search through the files in a project - I get this result panel:

Results panel in Vim + Silver searcher

But no matter what I try - I can't open the file with the result I want.

What should be the correct key shortcut(s) or combination so that I can open the file with the result I want?

This is what I've added in my ~/.vimrc file in order to make :Ag command work:

" Ag/Ack related ..
let g:ackprg = 'ag'
let g:ack_default_options = " --case-sensitive --noheading --nopager --nocolor --nogroup --column"

So probably the issue is related to some of these props?