milis92 / Krang

Kotlin Compiler Plugin that gives you the ability to be notified every time annotated function is called
Apache License 2.0
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Allow using multiple custom annotations for interception #54

Open oakkitten opened 4 months ago

oakkitten commented 4 months ago

This project seems to be well-suited for method call logging in debug builds. However, @Intercept is a bit vague a term, not reflecting the actual purpose of the annotation. Moreover, with debug logging, I can usually have trace- and debug-level log statements for different verbosity levels. So I would like to have something like @DebugLog and @TraceLog, and I would like to know which one was used in the listener.

(I wonder if it's feasible to pass the annotation object itself to the listener, if retained at runtiume. This would allow using annotations with parameters!)

milis92 commented 4 months ago

Hayo, thanks for the issue.

While I agree that @Intercept might not be the best name for the runtime annotation, I don't think adding *Log annotations is a good idea. Krangs purpose is not necessarily logging; it is a general instrumentation library.

Now, what I can do is:

With the new tracing context you could do something like:

@Trace(context = [ "debug"])
fun test(){

//and later on on the intercept
Krang.addListener { functionName, parameters, context ->
    //here, you can check for the tracing context passed with the annotation
oakkitten commented 4 months ago

Thank you for considering this.

I wonder if it would be feasible to allow creating custom annotations. I very much like the idea of a general-purpose instrumentation library, and I also like the word intercept—that's what is happening! If we could just choose our own names for the actual purposes.

Seeing how you can create annotations for other annotations, I imagine being able to write something along

annotation class DebugLog

and then just use it in the code. And, for ultimate versatility, I imagine that if this annotation is also annotated with @Retention(AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME), then the listener is provided with the annotation itself. Maybe use different listener types for cases where annotations are available at runtime, or just have it nullable, or even allow defining listeners for different (sets of) intercepting annotations?

milis92 commented 4 days ago

Hey sorry for not replying sooner, got caught up with some other stuff. I was thinking about this and my proposal is as follows:

New name for the @Intercept annotation:

I'm voting for renaming@Intercept to @Trace. The reason is that contextually, @Trace makes more sense with what's happening under the hood, and it seems like it is a term that is widely used in tools similar to Krang

Custom annotations

Yeah, this is a good idea and should be a fairly straightforward thing to add. In the future, you will be able to do:

annotation class DebugLog(val whatever: String)

@DebugLog(whatever = "whatever ")
fun something(){

// and later
Krang.addListener { name, arguments, traceContext ->


Where the traceContext is going to be part of the Krang runtime and will look like

// @param annotation will be either a @Trace or a custom annotation decorated with @Trace
data class TracingContext(annotation: Any)

Introducing trace context is a bit of future-proofing since in the next iterations I want to add a source code location of the function that is being instrumented, maybe even the time the function takes to execute, etc


Now, I'm going to work on these changes after I finish the work required for Kotlin 2.0 - which should be straightforward now when the integration tests are done