milke / GitFinder-Issues

Bug and issue tracker for GitFinder - git client with macOS Finder integration
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File unselects itself #110

Open grahamegrieve opened 2 years ago

grahamegrieve commented 2 years ago

I'm on the choose files dialog, and I select a file, and then bingo, it unselects itself. I can't commit it.

grahamegrieve commented 2 years ago

This happens for the next file in the list, but not all files

grahamegrieve commented 2 years ago

Or worse, it doesn't unselect itself, but it can't be committed. (silently.- empty commits)

grahamegrieve commented 2 years ago

I could commit with command line git no problems

milke commented 2 years ago

@grahamegrieve, does that just started happening to you now? Was it happening before? And is it only on that particular repository?

milke commented 2 years ago

Also, looking at that initial video you posted… Is it possible there's some tool/script/whatever, which may be changing file status of files in the repository? GitFinder monitors files changes in the repository and if any happens, it will update its UI accordingly. Is it possible to be the cause of the behaviour shown on that video?

grahamegrieve commented 2 years ago

it only happened on that particular repository. I'll document if I see it anymore. As for some script... I don't know of anything. What would I look for? I've only installed gitfinder, Xcode, and current eclipse. Nothing else I can think of

milke commented 2 years ago

@grahamegrieve, does it happen repeatedly or you had some "isolated" incidents at the time you reported the issue? If the latter, would it be possible for me to get a hand of that particular repository to investigate the matter further?

About mentioned script… It doesn't have to be a script per se. From the video it looks to me like something is changing/affecting file status behind GitFinder back. As I've said, GitFinder monitors files changes in the repository and if any happens, it will update its UI accordingly.

grahamegrieve commented 2 years ago

the repository is I've only ever seen it happen in the org.hl7.fhir.r4b sub-folder, which is super weird. It doesn't always happen there, but it does consistently. As for any other active program... I'm running eclipse, but would it do that? And nothing. else that I know about, and it's a new install, I haven't installed anything non-vanilla