milke / GitFinder-Issues

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lots of errors when deleting the local working directory #60

Closed azankl closed 3 years ago

azankl commented 3 years ago

I deleted a local repo by simply deleting it in Finder. That created a flurry of error messages from GitFinder, like the 2 listed below. Is it wrong to delete a repo in Finder?

Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 2 15 11 pm Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 2 14 42 pm
milke commented 3 years ago

@azankl, no operation in Finder can be wrong 🙂

I can't seem to be able to reproduce this error with the latest version of GitFinder (1.5.1). Is that the version you use? Also, can you clarify whether you only trashed that local repo (hence the folder is only moved to the Trash), or you actually deleted it (by emptying the Trash, in which the repo was already)?

I couldn't reproduce it behaviour neither by trashing a repo, nor by emptying the Trash (where the trashed repo was already) nor by doing rm -rf on the repo from the terminal. So I'd appreciate if you an outline all steps you do when you encounter this error.

azankl commented 3 years ago

I tried to reproduce the problem: I deleted the 'Ontoclick' repo I had previously cloned from Github by selecting the Ontoclick folder in Finder and selecting the Trash icon in the Finder Window Toolbar. That created the following error:

Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 2 17 31 pm

I then tried to clone the repo again by selecting the parent folder and choosing 'Clone' from the Gitfinder contextual menu and choosing 'Ontoclick' from my available repos on Github. Gitfinder starts cloning but gets stuck at "Validating". The Validation never finishes, so I had Force Quit Gitfinder. I then tried cloning the repo again, as described above, and this is when I get the flurry of error messages described in my first post. I guess force quitting Gitfinder did not help, but why does Gitfinder get stuck on 'Validating'?

luxlogica commented 3 years ago

This problem still seems to be happening on MacOS Big Sur. I've just moved/deleted some old repository folders, and got a handful of messages like this:

Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 11 05 12 am
milke commented 3 years ago

I've just uploaded 1.6.1b1, you can update your current copy to it by checking for the Beta channel in the update preferences. Check it out and let me know if you see similar message reported again.

milke commented 3 years ago

Okay, I consider this fixed (the fix is now in the official release 1.6.1), so I'm closing this. If the issue reappears, feel free to reopen.